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Wednesday 16 March 2011, PM

Radio Today.. with RCS: Ford goes DAB standard early

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Media Talk podcast: Blogging the revolution from the al-Jazeera forum in Doha link

YouView explained - Freeview and Freesat set-top boxe reviews - TV DVD - Which? Technology

YouView launches On 4th July 2012 YouView finally announced the launch if its set-top box and service and it went on sale at the end of July 2012. YouView is available in two ways from retailers, with no further TV subscription, or from an ISP as part of a phone and broadband package. BT and TalkTalk offer packages with additional content and services to customers accessing YouView via their broadband networks. - link
Wednesday 16 March 2011, AM

Brian Cox over the moon after Royal Television Society awards - Television radio - The Guardian

Brian Cox at the RTS awards, where he won best presenter and his documentary won the science and natural history prize. She collected the prize for best comedy performance and her show landed the award for best scripted comedy. The original referred to Brian Cox as astrophysicist and one-time pop musician. - link

The BBC Asian Network is worth saving – just listen to the audience - Nihal Arthanayake - Comment is free - guardian.c

In the midst of all this euphoria some people had missed the comment about this being an update not an announcement. For the staff and broadcasters this was a vindication of the huge effort that had been put into turning the station around, from one that was perceived to be failing, to one that has increased its listening figures by 33 in one year. It was over a year ago that I wrote an article here outlining how absurd I found the idea of closing the Asian Network down was. - link

CITV celebrates fifth anniversary - Toy Industry - News by ToyNews

New look promos to run across all ITV channels to mark the occasion. As the only dedicated commercial kids channel on Freeview, CITV claims it has the third largest share of impacts across all commercial and non commercial channels. CITV broadcasts seven days a week from 6am to 6pm across all digital platforms, as well as being on terrestrial ITV1 during weekend mornings. - link

MediaTel: Newsline: YouView in danger of becoming obsolete

In January, the Daily Mail claimed that YouView was facing 'technical difficulties' and would be forced to delay its launch from the summer to the end of the year, though recent reports suggest that 2012 is a more likely bet. The Business Insights report believes this delay could be costly, to say the least, as the venture will be overtaken by new technologies and services before it even comes to market. However, there is a major issue in the continued delay of the launch of the project, which could render it obsolete. - link

Thousands of Welsh homes lack full range of digital TV - Wales News - News - WalesOnline

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Tuesday 15 March 2011, AM

Euro TV channels maintain position - Broadband TV News

EMS is designed to measure the habits of Europes most affluent consumers and top business decision makers. It is also the only pan-European guide to awareness and audiences of the continents major TV brands. Eurosport retained its commanding lead with a monthly reach of 45.2 and a weekly reach of 28.4. - link

Philips s 2011 HDTVs Will Feature Freeview HD Tuner For The First Time

Last week, the Dutch manufacturer unveiled its new consumer electronics products for the year ahead at its annual media event in Barcelona. Recognising the growing importance of internet connectivity, Philips has also beefed up the web-connected interface on its 2011 TVs. - link

Lord Patten in the hot seat

The Time - 10am on Thursday 10th March. In the corridor outside, the media pack compares notes about what is a unique event, the first time that the appointment of the top job in the BBC has been subject to scrutiny by a parliamentary committee. Over the next two hours or so the parliamentary committee, polite but forensic, probes Lord Patten's politics, business interests, possible biases and rather elitist listening habits. - link

Is the background music too loud?

One of the most common complaints to BBC television in recent years has been that some people find it hard to hear the dialogue in our shows. As a result of these complaints in 2009, Jay Hunt my predecessor as controller of BBC One launched an extensive study into why people were experiencing these difficulties. BBC Vision's Audibility project was a huge undertaking. - link
Monday 14 March 2011, PM

Research and Development: Testing RadioVIS

Chris Needham previously posted about our initial experiments and a Python client that allows you to see the content without having the requisite radio device. We're now ready to test a prototype and get your feedback. It is not yet a live service for all BBC radio stations, though we hope to be able to trial that soon. - link

How the licence fee supports UK jobs and businesses

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Radio Today.. with RCS: DAB TXs for Peaks and N Wales

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Ofcom's News Corp-BSkyB report - Media -

In doing so he alleges that market share data which we presented in our report was 'simply made up'. Our published report sets out clearly how this data was derived and the sources on which it was based. He also presents a fundamentally biased assessment of our report by focusing on just a single statistic the share of UK media consumption for different media enterprises, based on minutes of use by a typical consumer in a day. - link

BBC U-turn over Asian Network closure - Media -

The decision will be warmly welcomed by the station's staff and listeners, but the corporation's critics will view it as its second embarrassing U-turn, a year after the BBC Trust rebuffed management plans to close its sister digital station, 6 Music. BBC executives are understood to have concluded that a national digital radio station remains the best way to reach Asian listeners, rather than a collection of medium-wave services that was mooted as one possible replacement. The station's audience has already increased by about a third since the closure plan was announced in March 2010 and it had an average weekly reach of 477,000 listeners in the final three months of last year. - link

News Corp/BSkyB merger: letter to MPs and peers - Media -

As we now know, the Culture Secretary went on to revise this position. He announced on Thursday 3 March that he was minded to accept undertakings from News Corporation and clear the way for the takeover, subject to a consultation period ending Monday 21 March. This letter sets out why the alliance believes the proposed undertakings will be ineffective and will not achieve their stated aim of protecting plurality in news media. - link

News Corp-Sky deal: opponents urge MPs to lobby Jeremy Hunt - Media -

Jeremy Hunt's decision is subject of a 15-day consultation. The companies added that the News Corp/Sky deal should still be referred by Hunt to the Competition Commission and urge parliamentarians to write to the culture secretary making this argument. The letter has been sent to MPs and some members of the House of Lords. - link
Monday 14 March 2011, AM

BBC: Cuts we'd all want a say on - Peter Preston - The Guardian

Pain that only a continuing Labour government might have spared us perhaps. We can say what we want or don't want to watch or listen to as 17 or so has to be lopped off our corporation menu. Maybe 40m for Formula Onecan't be afforded any longer - link

Stephen Glover: Patten and Cameron may be on collision course - Stephen Glover, Opinion - The Indep

As chairman of the BBC Trust he will be paid 110,000 a year for what is supposed to be a four-day week, and one can't help wondering whether he will put in the hours. If I am somewhat unclear why Lord Patten sought the job, it is more obvious why he has been appointed. As governor of Hong Kong, Lord Patten did not mind aggravating the Chinese, thereby winning the plaudits of the liberal chattering classes. - link

BBC4 Tractor fan Chris Patten must plough his own furrow - Media - The Guardian

Lord Patten showed in his appearance before the culture select committee last week he knew how to entertain. He confessed to an inability to locate Radio 1 on the FM dial and a remarkable enthusiasm for BBC4. The process has barely begun and the piranhas are stripping down BBC2, killing off local radio, handing over the remaining sports to Sky, and the rest. - link - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express - TV Guide :: The Gadget Show

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Saturday 12 March 2011, AM

R4Choice: Murdoch at 80, 5 March 2011 link
Friday 11 March 2011, PM

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's On BBC Red Button 12th - 25th March 2011

Red button viewers can watch exclusive performances from schools in the semi-final stage. 12 schools from across the UK made it through to the semi-finals, 6 in the junior competition and 6 in the senior. To complete the donation viewers should have their credit/debit cards handy and make sure their set-top box is connected to a telephone line. - link

BBC - Research and Development: Prototyping Weeknotes #53

A number of RadioDNS-related projects are in early or late stages of their life at the moment. Vicky and others participated to several meetings and workshops with other teams in the BBC to merge our visions of a multi-screen BBC experience, and dream up ideas for future collaboration. Tristan, Joanne and Theo held the kick-off meeting with the company doing our Mythology user research to discuss the project plan and the target users and George spent the latter half of the week at another EU project meeting. - link

Digital sound quality what the audience want - James Cridland

Digital sound quality what the audience want Posted on Friday, March 11th, 2011 at 930 am. Splits for radio as a whole show that DAB accounts for a minimum of 63.2 of all digital listening internet only 12 DTV only 17. - link
Friday 11 March 2011, AM

Media Talk podcast: Cameron gets cuddly on The One Show sofa link

Patten: I won t be popular at the BBC - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

The former Conservative Party chairman will retain his role as Chancellor of Oxford University. It should be biased in favour of tolerant, civilised pluralism. Suave and witty, he remained unruffled during what had been billed as a grilling. - link

Murdoch ally 'warned MPs not to pursue hacking scandal' - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Mr Bryant, a former Europe minister, spoke in the Commons hours after seeing evidence about him in material seized from Mulcaire's home in 2006. A company source said that no evidence had been presented that phone hacking was carried out on its titles beyond the NOTW or that the activity took place as early as 2002. Scotland Yard said Mr Yates believed the claims against him were wrong. - link

Radio Today.. with RCS: Merger suggested for BBC locals

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Thursday 10 March 2011, PM

Consumers must be at heart of Digital Economy Act - March - 2011 - Which? News

Web blocking is one of the most controversial provisions in the Digital Economy Act, aimed at tackling illegal file sharing. Under the provisions of the Act, Ofcom would have the power to block certain websites that facilitated illegal file sharing. ORG claims that this issue could potentially infringe consumer rights, as well as civil liberties. - link

Lord Patten: I won't quit Tories when I take BBC Trust job - Media -

Subject to the consent of the committee, Patten will be appointed to the job although ministers will only withdraw his nomination if there is an all-party objection to him taking the position. Gavyn Davies was a Labour party member when he applied to become chairman of the BBC in 2001 but he resigned his membership when he was confirmed as the nominee for the job at the time. Davies had also previously been a Labour donor, giving 10,000. - link

Youview faces continental competiton for freesat boxes- The Inquirer

HBB TV produced its first official specification in June 2010. - link

Plymouth company bids to launch new national television channel

TwoFour and partners want to launch a national channel on Freeview that promotes 'localness' and allows local stations to run broadband distributed programmes. Their bid is up against ones from BSkyB and Channel 4. Channel 4 has expressed interest in running a new channel, but hasn't revealed details. - link

The death of jukebox radio - James Cridland

The death of jukebox radio Posted on Thursday, March 10th, 2011 at 224 pm. Theres a bit of a debate raging at the moment. Some people Mark Ramsey, in particular are claiming that Pandora threatens to be a replacement for radio, and will take audiences away. - link

BBC - Commissioning News - Digital Production Partnership (DPP) launches

These standards do not prescribe the suitability of particular cameras, or post-production technologies, as these can vary from production to production and will remain subject to discussion between producer and broadcaster. - link

BSkyB and Channel 4 express interest in Jeremy Hunt's national TV plan - Media -

Jeremy Hunt said he has had more than 30 expressions of interest in his local TV plan. At the same time BSkyB indicated that it was in discussions with the minister about how it might use its networks to assist in helping local broadcasters transmit their services but the satellite broadcaster is not understood to be a bidder for the new national channel that will underpin the new city based stations. Channel 4 put in its proposals three days after the deadline, last Monday, 7 March, because the issue had to be debated and agreed by the main board of directors. - link
Thursday 10 March 2011, AM

ITV to return in FTSE reshuffle - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Minister makes case for Scottish TV network - News - Broadcast

10 March, 2011 Culture minister Fiona Hyslop has said it is bizarre that Scotland does not have its own television network. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

UK Freesat Connected TV Set Top Boxes to Run on HbbTV - Not Youview?

The service was marketed from 6 May 2008 and offers a satellite alternative to the Freeview service on digital terrestrial television, with a selection of channels available without subscription for users purchasing a receiver. The service also makes use of the additional capacity available on digital satellite broadcasting to offer a selection of high-definition programming from the BBC and ITV. Freesat should be using Youview, considering the backers in it, and the huge investment in Freeview taken by both parties. - link
Wednesday 09 March 2011, PM

BBC - Newsnight: Michael Crick: Why Chris Patten got the BBC job

As a former Chairman of the Conservative Party, Patten doesn't exactly fit that description. Patten might lack experience when it comes to new technology, but the Culture Secretary felt that somebody who had stood up to Margaret Thatcher in the '80s, and to the Chinese government in the '90s, would be good at protecting the corporation's interests. - link

News Corp could face future UK inquiries under Ofcom proposals - Media -

Ed Richards said Ofcom had reservations about the risk of future concentration of power in UK media. Critics have argued that News Corporation's proposed 8bn takeover of Sky raises long-term plurality concerns, because Sky's rapid rate of growth means that the enlarged group will be become progressively more powerful. In theory, that would allow the enlarged News Corp or any other media group to be subject of an Ofcom inquiry in the future that could lead to enforced disposals, or other measures designed to promote a range of media voices. - link

New Freesat boxes to run on HbbTV - Broadband TV News

Freesat is preparing to launch a new series of receivers that will run on the HbbTV hybrid broadcast broadband platform popularised in Germany and France. YouView is expected to bring its first receiver to market in early 2012 following its much-publicised delays, but with the first receivers planned to be for the terrestrial arena, a satellite version may be some way off. A senior source familiar with the project told Broadband TV News that the Freesat G2 receivers would embrace the multiscreen concept and allow for viewing around the home, rather than tying viewers to a single satellite receiver. - link
Wednesday 09 March 2011, AM

Digital switchover boss pledges help to the hardest to reach - Society - The Guardian

As chief executive of the BBC's Switchover Help Scheme, the ex-chartered accountant is responsible for ensuring that older and disabled people are not left with blank television screens as the nation goes from analogue to digital by 2012. A 2010 report by Goldsmiths University for media watchdog Ofcom and the charity Digital UK found that disabled, older, isolated and low-income consumers are generally heavy viewers of television. The BBC estimates that 1 million of the 7 million people who are eligible for help with the move to digital TV will take up the offer and the scheme has just hit its halfway mark of the 500,000th installation. - link / Companies / UK companies - Bets on for Sky News’ guardian

Printed from http// Print a single copy of this article for personal use. - link

ITV pays Crozier 1.6m for his first eight months - Business News, Business - The Independent

ITV is paying its newly installed chief executive Adam Crozier more than 1.6m for his first eight months in the job after the beleaguered broadcaster saw its profits treble. He also received a 252,000 short-term cash bonus and another 505,000 deferred in shares until 2013. Mr Crozier was also issued more than four million nil-cost share options on joining the company last April. - link

Rupert Murdoch's same old song - Business - The Guardian

He was referring to last year's 700p-a-share offer, which the rest of the world regards as a joke. If News Corp was forced to pay 900p-10 a share for the outstanding 61 of BSkyB, borrowings could reach 20bn. That looks adventurous even for a company with a stock market valuation of 46bn. - link

New BBC chairman must quit Tories - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

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Tuesday 08 March 2011, PM

ITV's Adam Crozier earns £1.7m in eight months - Media -

Adam Crozier received a total remuneration package just under 1.2m last year. Crozier, who joined ITV on 26 April, received a total remuneration package just under 1.2m last year. The chief executive's total bonus was 757,488 which amounted to 95 of his full entitlement according to the company's annual report released Tuesday. - link
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