BBC structure

Can you spot what is missing from the diagram of the new structure the BBC management has come up with?
This is the best quality version of the diagram the BBC has published for the general public. You can make out the four blue blobs of Finance, Operations, BBC People, Worldwide.
The three bits in the middle are Journalism, BBC Vision and BBC Audio and Music.
The middle black bit is the managment, and Future Media and Technology is a blue circle.
The one thing I couldn't help noticing that was missing from the BBC structure was any reference to viewers, listeners and "interactors" (or "licence fee payers" as they are known).
Don't most companies like to put "the customer" at the top of their organizational charts, to remind everyone in the company why they are working for it.
It also seems to lack any form of accountability - or has that been privatized as the BBC Trust?
It seems as far from what my ideal BBC would be doing, making all its content available free-of-charge online immediately and forever, like a public service library.
Also see Guardian Unlimited Podcast: Media Talk for Friday July 28