Will BBC One HD have a DOG? Guess what the "other" BBC HD channel be called

I can't help wondering if the BBC One HD channel will have a DOG (digital onscreen graphic), and if so, which type?
Here are some possibilities:
Option 1: The one found on the stream on BBC One online?
Option 2: Or perhaps the one found on YouTube?
Option 3: Or perhaps the subtle one found on the BBC iPlayer HD channel?
Option 4: Or a stylish combination of the two logos?
And if one channel is BBC One HD, the other can't be "the BBC HD channel". So what does it get called?
Option A: BBC FIVE HD (that would be confusing for Channel Five).
Option B: How about reviving an old BBC name, BBC CHOICE HD?
Option C: As it BBC 2+3+4 HD - I make that BBC NINE HD.
What do you think? Make your predictions below.
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Tuesday, 13 April 2021
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