Can I watch for free Financial channels such as CNBC or Bloomberg?

Both CNBC and Bloomberg are subscription channels on Sky and cable, and are not carried on Freeview.
Freeview has two 24-hour TV news channels: BBC News 24, Sky News
These channels are also carried free of subscription charges and with enhanced interactive services on digital satellite. Both the BBC and Sky interactive services (on satellite) carry a 24/7 financial information channel.
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Tuesday, 2 April 2013
C Woods.10:35 AM
We live in Glos GL5. We have been watching CNBC for months free on ch 505 freesat Sky free to air. Suddenly today 2 april 2013 we are getting " No satellite signal is being received" for this channel and 502 Bloomberg. All other SKY free channels (BBC1, BBC2, ITV, CH4 etc are all loud and clear as usual), What has caused this please? Chris Woods.
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Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Corin11:40 PM
The answer to the question is YES, yes you can watch for free.Both Bloomberg and CNBC are transmitted from the 28,2/28,5 East satellite cluster unencrypted and FREE TO AIR and can be received on any Ku band digital satellite receiver include those offering the Freeview and BSkyb EPG.Currently (2015-05-26)Bloomberg Europe is transmitted from Eutelsat (Eurobird 1) 28A at 28,5 East transponder C1LFrequency : 11426
Polarization : V
Symbol Rate : 27500
FEC : 2/3
SID: 52550CNBC UK is transmitter from SES Astra 2F at 28,2 East transponder 80Frequency: 12610
Polarization: V
Symbol Rate : 22000
FEC :: 5/6
SID : 50882
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Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Adrian8:38 AM
Bloomberg and other news channels are also on free to air on the FilmOn streaming tv network. This is the world's largest legal streaming tv network, offering 600+ live channels and over 45000 on demand music/film/business/educational titles free to view in SD . Channels include mainstream UK broadcasters. DVR on the cloud and fluid viewing are included. No requirement to register devices, no limit on devices. Content compatible with most major operating systems and browsers. Available on kodi, iOS, android, Windows, and smart TVs. Set top box not required. 65,000,000 unique users at last count. Pay options include ad free, site/app, HD record and play back, more DVR space, and individual niche channels. Social tv included (cam up, run your own show, get on mainstream satellite tv, get paid). Premium Hollywood movie releases and tv series also available. Based in London and on Canon Drive, Beverly Hills 90210. Experience it all by visiting the Extreme Akim website, register a free account, sit back and revel in your viewing pleasure. Want your own streaming tv network? Affiliates welcome. You get your own branded website and android app, built, hosted and managed by FilmOn, who also license and provide the content and take care of viewer support for you. They do it all for Free. Get paid giving away free tv. And I'm on hand to help you too.
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Adrian8:40 AM
Correction "ad free, site/app" should read "ad free site/app". My apologies. And thanks.
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Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Chris.SE3:30 PM
Paddy Devane:
Not sure why the "swear" filter didn't like your post, but I have seen part of an "unmoderated" version.
Bloomberg seems to be available as an HD channel (as does CNBC) on Freesat.
It seems to be also available on Sky, but that is subscription of course.
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