Whenever i watch moving sport especially football I experience much poorer pictu

What you are seeing is one of the two problems that are well know about the "MPEG-2" system that is used to encode digital TV.
Because of the way the system works, horizontal movement across a crowd requires a disproportionate large amount of data to encode.
Because the bandwidth on Freeview is so limited, and as most broadcasters have decided to have more channels rather than better quality pictures, on most channels the bandwidth is so limited that the effect you see, a blurry mass of blocks is visible.
The sceptical will say that this is simply an excuse to sell you HDTV equipment and channel packages.
The other problem you will see is when strobe effects are used - this will often look like very large black and white boxes.
If these effects trouble you, do not go out and buy yourself a massive TV as they will be simply much clearer to you.
11:37 AM
hI,THESE comments are like the rhyme called the emporers clothes,when the emporer went around nude and his subjects didn't dare tell him he was unclothed cause of the consequences,if you dont want the accept the answer,don't,as for working in the vcr industry,you were'nt on the technical side,i can send u a dvd showing this noise if u give an address,otherwise i rest in peace.
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nicholas: Thats a very long winded way of say 'the Emperors news Clothes', and of course you still havn't supplied any actual evidence to back up your claim. So bring some evidence to the party.
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7:39 PM
What more can i say,put your box on to qvc,you will see the spurious outlines,look behind the presenters outlines,you will see a shadow,what more can i say,you're a non believer.Just study whats behind the items in the picture.n....................
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10:12 AM
I don't get any such 'outlines' artefacts on my TV!
You need to provide supported factual evidence for your claim to stand any chance of being accepted by the technically aware contributors to this website. We are mostly of a scientific and technical breed so look at evidence carefully and usually do not accept heresay.
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3:13 AM
hi,suggest you scope the output,you'll see the spurious signal or get the circuit diagram,incidentally some of the non record boxes dont have this nonsence added so if it spoils the game,get one..............
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10:33 AM
Your posting doesn't make much sense to me as an experienced electronics engineer. Your arguement does not fit with the known facts.
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11:54 AM
REAlly,if you are experienced as you say and dont want to see outcome then that speaks for itself,you are concerned that i may be correct and that yr position on this would be compromised,you havent given me any plausible reasons so i don't accept you are an experinced electronics engineer,if u were,then u would be curious to see what is happening.You are supposed to unbiased on this and able to advise non tech people on what is happening.
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nicholas: Lets ask this simple question - if this strange circuit or signal exists, why would manufacturers put one in? Seriously, why?
Since people tend to buy a new TV about every 7 years or more, then manufacturers are trying to palm people off with a substandard product in the hope that they will upgrade...after much of a decade.
So again, I'd love to know what the rationale is behind this, or is it about as convincing as those 'they faked the Moon landings' explainations on YouTube?
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10:01 PM
Ok mike,lets explore this,this circuit was orginally designed for copyright reasons,to enable objections to
recording copyright items on vhs/betamax/video 2000,the things was you could record a degraded master copy but extra generations would be completely degraded,which is true,vhs pictures are delibrately degraded,the public are told its shortcomings are technical but look at the diagrams ,they are not.To prevent further copying noise was added,called expander noise,a diode connected to the power rail conducts noise through an inductance and a capacitor to the video,when you try to record another copy its all a mess,hence mission done.In rec ent times the noise has been modified various ways,like digital blocks and has spread into sd cameras,lcd receivers,dvd recorders,plasma tv's,that why i have an 18yr old crt tv so at least the tv display is clean,theres nothing in the video circuit that adds noise.We come to the question,why add this noise,my thought,well firstly we want to sell some nice hd gear so if we degrade the pictures then possibly the public will buy hd and cause even sky has got in the act,if you connect a sky box,suddenly the noise disappears,what can you say,you buy a nice plasma tv,plug into the analogue inputs and you get a vhs looking picture staring at you,i'm fed with the practise but at least i have the knowlege if needs be to feed the tv from home made video circuitry,so you see their point,they want to sell their hd stuff,perhaps combat copying,its the wallet thing,the machine wants to be fed.Board of trade wouldnt be concerned with this so its the law of the jungle,if you want a nice clean tv to look at,you've got to have the technical to do it...........hope that helps,mike,i don't want to be at conflict with you.....n.
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10:04 PM
Mike.sorry.i've often wondered about the moon landings,etc,the video does seem very degraded ,its possible,indeed there's a film about.Not really sure,sometimes something thats not logical,turns out to logical,the flags for example.............n
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