#GreatBBC campaign launched

GreatBBC Photograph: GreatBBC
The website is http://site.greatbbc.com/
They’ve create a video featuring a number of well know celebrities.
Don't let the BBC become a memory: A short film by Simon Curtis for the Great BBC Campaign
They have listed a number of ways to get involved with their campaign:
- Follow them on Twitter and Facebook
- Change your profile picture to show your support: either with our campaign graphics or with your own creation!
- Help us spread the word on Twitter: post your own campaign messages using #GreatBBC and/or mentioning @great_bbc using our templates
- If you’re inspired, make up your own supporting message/ visual/ gif and share it on Instagram or Twitter using #GreatBBC (and don’t forget to mention @great_bbc so we can see your creation) and/or use it as your social profile picture!
- Let them know your ideas
Saturday, 13 February 2016
MikeB6:38 PM
Good for them. Of course the current head of the Culture Committee will complain about it, but it is one of those things which people actually do like. Perhaps it might send a message...
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Sunday, 14 February 2016
FrancisA8:03 PM
Can't understand the comments from Nick regarding MikeB and the BBC. They do NOT have a leftist agena. You only have to watch Question time to see their right wing agenda. Like the right wing press in this country they are very anti Labour, but despite this I am firmly behind the BBC remaining independent and in favour of the TV licence. If we ever get to the stage of only having programmes from ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 then Lord help us.
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MikeB8:22 PM
FrancisA: Thanks - I dont think the BBC is anti-Labour, but if most of the press is, you end up reporting stuff thats been preframed in a particular way. C4 News is really good (better in some ways that the BBC), but ITV's is a bit bland, and C5's is pretty much nonexistant. The BBC, overall, does a very good job, and the licence fee is very reasonable. What Hifi's Awards issues some months back reckoned that Iplayer alone was worth cost of the licence fee - and a look around it shows a huge amount of stuff.
Nick - And your back with the usual nonsense ('The BBC is a rancid bunch of Marxists' - are you some sort of Uber Poe?). This is not so surprising if you read the likes of Guido Fawkes - and reading that bunch of comments reminds you of just how many people wear tin foil hats.
After reading your usual bunch of hyperbole and delusion, I suggest you actually look at the viewing figures - people really like watching BBC programmes. The Guardian just featured an article singing the praises of Countryfile, and pointing out that it gets two million more viewers than The X Factor. And Bakeoff got a huge 13.4m people watching. If they are so awful, we do we watch?
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Monday, 15 February 2016
rusty kettle11:59 AM
I would really like to know how and why the BBC acquired this reputation for being so left wing. If you want to know what biased TV reporting looks like watch Fox News, which is unashamedly and openly right wing (it's also extremely low quality, advert dominated, mass market rubbish, but that's another matter). Where is the actual evidence of this left wing bias, which programmes, which reporters, and what is broadcast that leads to this conclusion? It is one of those popular myths, the more it is stated the more it is believed, yet the hard evidence does not stack up - to defend the BBC, as Jonathan Dimbleby does, is not evidence of anything other than he likes it as a broadcasting network, you cannot take one person's individual views on any subject as evidence of anything at all, to do so is just wish fulfilment, a flawed thought process which goes Dimbleby is left wing, he likes the BBC, ergo the BBC is left wing, I'm afraid any case based on such simplistic logic is necessarily thrown out.
If the BBC consistently made programmes associated with known left wing causes, if it made a programme that supported or could be construed as supporting the scrapping of the nuclear deterrent for example , that would be evidence of a left wing bias. However to merely state that a view exists that scrapping the nuclear deterrent is favoured by some faction, is not bias, it is the reporting of a view held by another. If that view happens not to coincide with your own view, that is nothing to do with the BBC. I fear too may people confuse the reporting of a fact or idea with the notion that medium doing the reporting agrees with whatever is being reported, remember the old adage - don't shoot the messenger!
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MikeB5:01 PM
rusty kettle: Its one of those eternal mysteries - but I suspect its to do with the fact that the BBC reports things that not everyone likes, and therefore confirmation bias takes hold. The fact that both parties have mantained that the BBC is against them and for the other party (at the same time!) shows a degree of confusion.
Oh, and Murdoch.
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trevorjharris10:27 PM
You only have to watch the One Show to see their left wing bias. It also has become an advertising show for TV programs, plays, books, cds and dvds. Guest will only come onto the show if they have something to promote. How do they get away with it.
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Tuesday, 16 February 2016
MikeB12:49 PM
trevorjharris: Does The One Show have a left wing bias? I must admit I seldom watch it, but the last time I did, nothing in it struck me as left or right wing. I'd love to know exactly what is left wing about it.
Of course its a show where guests plug their latest TV show, film, book, etc - its like every other chat show in existance, from Parkinson to Grahame Norton to Wogan, etc (including R4's 'Midweek'). Thats not surprising - a programme needs people on it, and they are not just going to appear for nothing - Tom Hanks isn't just going to fly all the way from Hollywood for 10min of chitchat. On the other hand, if he's in town to promote his new movie, then he's more than happy to sit on a sofa.
If you just had guests on a chat show who were just available for no other reason than they just were, it probably wouldn't be very interesting or star studded.
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10:01 PM
10:01 PM
Many programmes from the BBC, and others, have a left-wards bias. Many of the staff are recruited via the Guardian as that is the only newspaper they will use to advertise vacancies - and that is well know for its left leaning policies. Programmes like Quaetion Time are supposed to have audiences selected to be 'neutral' but yopu only have to watch the reaction of Dimbleby and a significant section of the audience to know there is a clear bias - especially if a Tory minister or a UKIP person makes a statement that is, to them, perfectly valid but not liked by the audience. Then compare that with the reaction to a Labour politician's statement and the audiences' reaction to them.
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MikeB10:30 PM
MikeP: 'Many programmes from the BBC, and others, have a left-wards bias' - do they? Is there any actual emperical evidence of this, or is it merely in the eye of the beholder?
The Guardian link is a red herring. The Guardian has specialised for years in its media coverage and media advertising, so its not surprising that media companies (not just the BBC, but ITV, independents and even Sky) use it. Its a bit like advertising for CEO's in the FT - its what it does. The 'left leaning policies' of the paper is neither here or there. And I should add that the when the Daily Mail got into a froth about how much the BBC spent of subscriptions to the Guardian compared to the Mail, it forgot to factor in the fact that the Guardian's cover price is rather higer. The BBC actually bought abou the same number of both.
' Programmes like Quaetion Time are supposed to have audiences selected to be 'neutral' but yopu only have to watch the reaction of Dimbleby and a significant section of the audience to know there is a clear bias'.
Google is your friend. Here is the impression of someone who has been a member of the audience (and who thinks that the BBC is too right wing, as a matter of fact) - - the whole thing seems fairly balanced, while trying to get questions which are topical and provocative. And the BBC itself has a FAQ about the programme, which has a link to this article - NewsWatch | Notes | Question time for Question Time , which explains how people are selected. It was written in 2005, and as it points out, people were accusing it of of being 'anti-government', which was of course a Labour government at the time. It also points out that 5 years before, it would have been the other way, when the Tories were still in power.
The reality is that governments do things that people often dont like, and they are more likely to voice that dislike. And if you read the press, most of which is right wing, they are more likely to view anything that does not support the current government as 'left wing'.
As for the notion that Dimbleby is 'anti-government' by calling for people to support the BBC, you could argue the same for anyone who speaks well of the NHS. being is support of either organisation does not make you 'anti-government' or left wing. However, if the government choses to blatently attack the BBC, thats their lookout.
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Wednesday, 17 February 2016
9:40 PM
9:40 PM
I suspect your are ignoring the majority view.
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