I kive in Witley near Godalming. For the last few days I have hardly any reception of either digital or analogue. Is this likely to be a weather problem? If so will it improve at the digital switchover?
I have a very tall digital aerial which is pointing at Crystal Palace. At one time I could receive most digital channels. Now I can only receive the multiplx with the BBC channels - not the others. Should I retune my aerial to the Guildford transmitter?
Wednesday 12 January 2011 9:56AM
I kive in Witley near Godalming. For the last few days I have hardly any reception of either digital or analogue. Is this likely to be a weather problem? If so will it improve at the digital switchover?
I have a very tall digital aerial which is pointing at Crystal Palace. At one time I could receive most digital channels. Now I can only receive the multiplx with the BBC channels - not the others. Should I retune my aerial to the Guildford transmitter?
Thanks Jack Lee