Mansfield. Lost all channels-the lot! Belmont nothing, Emely Moor Nothing! HD nothing! Line of sight to EM good and to Belmont and yes its the bees knees ariel and all that, and its an HD blah blah blah. can't even get it to fix on the Mhz! You sure your transmitting at enough power guys? I say crank it up!
Friday 22 April 2011 12:45PM
Mansfield. Lost all channels-the lot! Belmont nothing, Emely Moor Nothing! HD nothing! Line of sight to EM good and to Belmont and yes its the bees knees ariel and all that, and its an HD blah blah blah. can't even get it to fix on the Mhz! You sure your transmitting at enough power guys? I say crank it up!