loftaerial fitted serving 46 apartments through an channel reception problems for two years until now.cannot recieve itv3,itv4,chan.5.on freq54.have retuned.the apartments have a door camera system fitted which uses an analogue signal which is signal connected to the input side of the digital amplifier serving all the t.v sets in the apartments.could this be the problem.please help if you can
Thursday 29 December 2011 7:41PM
loft aerial fitted serving 46 apartments through an channel reception problems for two years until now.cannot recieve itv3,itv4,chan.5.on freq54.have retuned.the apartments have a door camera system fitted which uses an analogue signal which is signal connected to the input side of the digital amplifier serving all the t.v sets in the apartments.could this be the problem.please help if you can