You have the BBC B Multiplex for the main LondonCrystal Palace transmitter as on UHF Channel 48 from 21 March 2018. This multiplex is still on the previous designated UHF channel 30 now the 23 Feb 2020 ! This mistake cost me some wasted time and you should amend the listing. I assume that whoever decides the channel allocations may be intending to make this change in future ????? Who Knows ??? or Cares ??
Thursday 23 January 2020 8:33PM
You have the BBC B Multiplex for the main London Crystal Palace transmitter as on UHF Channel 48 from 21 March 2018. This multiplex is still on the previous designated UHF channel 30 now the 23 Feb 2020 ! This mistake cost me some wasted time and you should amend the listing. I assume that whoever decides the channel allocations may be intending to make this change in future ????? Who Knows ??? or Cares ??