My postcode is SE10 9EY and from 1 June we are getting very poor quality reception on our TV if using the external aerial and not getting any HD channels at all. We initially thought it might be a temporary problem due to the weather but the problem has persisted. We have tried using a 4G filter but to no avail. Currently using an indoor aerial which comes with its own set of problems so not too sure what we should be doing apart from having an engineer look at the aerial? We live in a block of 7 flats and initially everybody was having this problem although it now appears the situation may have improved for some of the residents. Should our aerial be set up on the roof to have unrestricted access and could facing a wall create reception issues?
Monday 18 June 2018 4:27PM
Hi All,
My postcode is SE10 9EY and from 1 June we are getting very poor quality reception on our TV if using the external aerial and not getting any HD channels at all. We initially thought it might be a temporary problem due to the weather but the problem has persisted. We have tried using a 4G filter but to no avail. Currently using an indoor aerial which comes with its own set of problems so not too sure what we should be doing apart from having an engineer look at the aerial? We live in a block of 7 flats and initially everybody was having this problem although it now appears the situation may have improved for some of the residents. Should our aerial be set up on the roof to have unrestricted access and could facing a wall create reception issues?