Hi, Since Saturday the Winter hill transmission of TV Mux channels in RF frequency 31 are no longer being detected by all the TVs & DVR, however there are some times in the day when the old main frame can be viewed. This impacts BBC FOUR HD, BBC NEWS HD, Channel 4+1 HD, More4 HD, 47 HD, etc... Advice from Freeview TV was to contact AT800.tv, who has provided a 800Mhz filter to remove the 4G signal, this as expected has made no difference. I have asked othe neighbours and they are also having the same issues so I can assume my equipement is OK, which has been in use for the last four years with no issues. Location is PR6 8QB, very close to Winter hill hence all other channel signal strength is very high, apart from the channel 31 mux this weekend. Any advice on how we could inform Winter hilll there could be an issue which needs investigating?
Thursday 3 November 2016 6:46PM
Hi, Since Saturday the Winter hill transmission of TV Mux channels in RF frequency 31 are no longer being detected by all the TVs & DVR, however there are some times in the day when the old main frame can be viewed. This impacts BBC FOUR HD, BBC NEWS HD, Channel 4+1 HD, More4 HD, 47 HD, etc... Advice from Freeview TV was to contact AT800.tv, who has provided a 800Mhz filter to remove the 4G signal, this as expected has made no difference. I have asked othe neighbours and they are also having the same issues so I can assume my equipement is OK, which has been in use for the last four years with no issues. Location is PR6 8QB, very close to Winter hill hence all other channel signal strength is very high, apart from the channel 31 mux this weekend. Any advice on how we could inform Winter hilll there could be an issue which needs investigating?