Two nights ago, reception was a bit dodgy - juddery, pixely, then about 11.00 it just stopped, all channels showing 'No or bad signal'. Next day, everything was back to normal. Until about 11.00, when the same thing happened again. Now it's back to normal.
I checked signal using the Humax when everything was down - signal strength & quality were down to 0-30%, give or take, as against the usual 80-100%.
Crystal Palace transmitter reports no problems or maintenance. I can see no obvious hardware problems (wires etc). The thing I find baffling is how sudden the stops & starts are. (Probably worth mentioning, the aerial feeds two tellies, via a junction box outside the (first floor) bedroom. Both had identical symptoms.
Everything I've found online seems to be the obvious - retune, check aerials, wires etc. None seems relevant, as far as I can see. Any ideas? Thanks.
Wednesday 28 January 2015 3:19PM
Two nights ago, reception was a bit dodgy - juddery, pixely, then about 11.00 it just stopped, all channels showing 'No or bad signal'. Next day, everything was back to normal. Until about 11.00, when the same thing happened again. Now it's back to normal.
I checked signal using the Humax when everything was down - signal strength & quality were down to 0-30%, give or take, as against the usual 80-100%.
Crystal Palace transmitter reports no problems or maintenance. I can see no obvious hardware problems (wires etc). The thing I find baffling is how sudden the stops & starts are. (Probably worth mentioning, the aerial feeds two tellies, via a junction box outside the (first floor) bedroom. Both had identical symptoms.
Everything I've found online seems to be the obvious - retune, check aerials, wires etc. None seems relevant, as far as I can see. Any ideas? Thanks.