lets consider the options, you fail to receive a multiplex signal at 20:00 each day, could the issue be -
1. A multi-million pound transmitter system, with fully redundant automatic backup systems, and monitored 24h a day 7 days a week by highly qualified engineering staff capable of remotely restoring almost any fault, with 24h on-call field engineers and massive spares resources, diverse feeds of programme from the broadcasters, all with automatic backup systems right up to the studio, diverse reserve mains power supplies and automatic backup generators...
2. Your couple of hundred quid telly, crap lowest cost aerial downlead, cheap aerial thats probably so old its corroded away and full of rainwater, and of fixings that are flimsy so the whole thing waggles in the wind, your cheap flyleads, all of which you installed yourself with no technical training or knowledge, and sitting in your house beside your out-of-date cheap boiler and thermostat, that comes on at 8pm and creates so much electrical noise it swamps your cheap tellys wide open receiver front end...
Saturday 18 May 2019 7:19AM
lets consider the options, you fail to receive a multiplex signal at 20:00 each day, could the issue be -
1. A multi-million pound transmitter system, with fully redundant automatic backup systems, and monitored 24h a day 7 days a week by highly qualified engineering staff capable of remotely restoring almost any fault, with 24h on-call field engineers and massive spares resources, diverse feeds of programme from the broadcasters, all with automatic backup systems right up to the studio, diverse reserve mains power supplies and automatic backup generators...
2. Your couple of hundred quid telly, crap lowest cost aerial downlead, cheap aerial thats probably so old its corroded away and full of rainwater, and of fixings that are flimsy so the whole thing waggles in the wind, your cheap flyleads, all of which you installed yourself with no technical training or knowledge, and sitting in your house beside your out-of-date cheap boiler and thermostat, that comes on at 8pm and creates so much electrical noise it swamps your cheap tellys wide open receiver front end...