Briantist: The spectrum analyser illustration of Crystal Palace transmissions good as it might be for reference purposes it doesn't really have any direct correlation to the particular situation I was referring to involving the possibility of problems if a very "low" powered analogue signal from a Sky box is being used on an adjacent channel to one receiving a "high" powered DTT signal, this in effect really being the reverse of the Crystal Palace situation where its powerful 1000Kw analogue output towers above the 20Kw Mux transmitters.
Regarding interference, all I am saying is that although I do realise that a digital signal does not cause the same type of interference to an analogue picture etc as would another analogue transmission it is however still capable of interfering in other ways like creating a fine snow cast etc over the analogue image, this effect obviously being totally dependant on how powerful it is in relation to the strength of the Sky boxes output plus other aspects concerned with the TV's tuner quality, so purely for the record I intend at the first available opportunity to carry out a spectrum analyser test on the output lead used to feed a second TV whilst visiting a location where a powerful DTT signal was known to exist, although this unfortunately at this present time isn't the easiest thing to arrange due to a combination of factors involved with the "borrowing" of the spectrum analyser (workshop use only!) as well as the person at the location also being a Sky box user, still one never knows what will crop up in my travels!
Monday 14 February 2011 9:11PM
Briantist: The spectrum analyser illustration of Crystal Palace transmissions good as it might be for reference purposes it doesn't really have any direct correlation to the particular situation I was referring to involving the possibility of problems if a very "low" powered analogue signal from a Sky box is being used on an adjacent channel to one receiving a "high" powered DTT signal, this in effect really being the reverse of the Crystal Palace situation where its powerful 1000Kw analogue output towers above the 20Kw Mux transmitters.
Regarding interference, all I am saying is that although I do realise that a digital signal does not cause the same type of interference to an analogue picture etc as would another analogue transmission it is however still capable of interfering in other ways like creating a fine snow cast etc over the analogue image, this effect obviously being totally dependant on how powerful it is in relation to the strength of the Sky boxes output plus other aspects concerned with the TV's tuner quality, so purely for the record I intend at the first available opportunity to carry out a spectrum analyser test on the output lead used to feed a second TV whilst visiting a location where a powerful DTT signal was known to exist, although this unfortunately at this present time isn't the easiest thing to arrange due to a combination of factors involved with the "borrowing" of the spectrum analyser (workshop use only!) as well as the person at the location also being a Sky box user, still one never knows what will crop up in my travels!