I get my signal from Crystal Palace and have read the posts concerning loss or poor reception over the last couple of weeks with interest. I have a loftaerial and live in NW London around 17 miles from the Tx. I have had NO problems at all with either SD or HD reception and my TV is on most of the afternoon and evening - this also includes all my recordings made on both SD and HD. I don't think CP is to blame here...
Monday 14 February 2011 8:10PM
I get my signal from Crystal Palace and have read the posts concerning loss or poor reception over the last couple of weeks with interest. I have a loft aerial and live in NW London around 17 miles from the Tx. I have had NO problems at all with either SD or HD reception and my TV is on most of the afternoon and evening - this also includes all my recordings made on both SD and HD. I don't think CP is to blame here...