Since yesterday I lost all digitalchannels (Fareham, rooftop antenna pointed at Rowridge, reset/retuned). However today I found I can get perfect reception on BBC channels (BBCA) and tolerable reception on all others with a metal coathanger balanced on the antenna input socket, about 1 metre off the ground! I can only guess the 200kW on BBCA is overwhelming my tuners with the antenna gain. I tried a variable attenuator on the rooftop antenna feed, nowhere in the spec'd range (0-20dB) would it tune in.
Thursday 8 March 2012 9:01PM
Since yesterday I lost all digital channels (Fareham, rooftop antenna pointed at Rowridge, reset/retuned). However today I found I can get perfect reception on BBC channels (BBCA) and tolerable reception on all others with a metal coathanger balanced on the antenna input socket, about 1 metre off the ground! I can only guess the 200kW on BBCA is overwhelming my tuners with the antenna gain. I tried a variable attenuator on the rooftop antenna feed, nowhere in the spec'd range (0-20dB) would it tune in.
Signal looks way too strong from here.