I have tried to use this site to sort out which TV Transmitter to use but with no help whatsoever with regard to the direction that I need to point the aerial I have given up.
Freeview in the Wisbech area is a wicked lottery as there is not a single mast
that will give us BBC Eastsave for Sandy Heath which is a waste of time and grossly underpowered.
Thursday 20 March 2014 8:30PM
I have tried to use this site to sort out which TV Transmitter to use but with no help whatsoever with regard to the direction that I need to point the aerial
I have given up.
Freeview in the Wisbech area is a wicked lottery as there is not a single mast
that will give us BBC East save for Sandy Heath which is a waste of time and grossly underpowered.