I agree. The BBC iPlayer was the first and still the best TV player. The BBC proves a wide range of high quality services, including a unique website. The question here really is how much money the BBC should have. I for one would pay double the licence fee to retain and expand the BBC. Advertising annoys me, Rupert Murdoch outrages me and if ITV charges to watch its ITV Player with adverts as well, I won't watch it. I've got a video recorder.
Monday 3 August 2015 7:22AM
I agree. The BBC iPlayer was the first and still the best TV player. The BBC proves a wide range of high quality services, including a unique website. The question here really is how much money the BBC should have. I for one would pay double the licence fee to retain and expand the BBC. Advertising annoys me, Rupert Murdoch outrages me and if ITV charges to watch its ITV Player with adverts as well, I won't watch it. I've got a video recorder.