Why can't I get BBC 1 and 2 but all other channels since the digital switchover which was yesterday for the Tacolnestontransmitter? Digital UK can't tell me but reckon its the freeview box at fault. The manufacturers of the box say if it was faulty we wouldn't get any channels and it looks like the transmisssion for these channels is very poor from that transmitter. No-one knows how I can resolve it without it costing me lots of money even though this problem is not down to me. Anyone got any ideas?
Thursday 10 November 2011 4:10PM
Why can't I get BBC 1 and 2 but all other channels since the digital switchover which was yesterday for the Tacolneston transmitter? Digital UK can't tell me but reckon its the freeview box at fault. The manufacturers of the box say if it was faulty we wouldn't get any channels and it looks like the transmisssion for these channels is very poor from that transmitter. No-one knows how I can resolve it without it costing me lots of money even though this problem is not down to me. Anyone got any ideas?