Since the switchover my BBC channels have been poor and blocky. I can now bring in 2 sets of BBC channels - one tuned to Look North and one to East Midlands today. I'm guessing that is the Belmonttransmitter and the Nottingham transmitter as my aerial is pointing in a NE direction. I use a signal amplifier plugged in behind the TV. Without it I only get one set of BBC channels but the picture is very poor. My aerial has 8 vertically aligned director elements. My post code is DE74 2UW. Also, I've got a satellitedish etc on the wall but I've never used it and don't know if it works. Any advice please?
Friday 28 October 2011 2:10PM
Since the switchover my BBC channels have been poor and blocky. I can now bring in 2 sets of BBC channels - one tuned to Look North and one to East Midlands today. I'm guessing that is the Belmont transmitter and the Nottingham transmitter as my aerial is pointing in a NE direction. I use a signal amplifier plugged in behind the TV. Without it I only get one set of BBC channels but the picture is very poor. My aerial has 8 vertically aligned director elements. My post code is DE74 2UW. Also, I've got a satellite dish etc on the wall but I've never used it and don't know if it works. Any advice please?