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All posts by richard green

Below are all of richard green's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Hi I live in rotherham near sheffield live in a block of flats just recently bought new tv with freeview built in scanned for tv got 5 or 6 real channels then 42 channels that are blank when i had freeview with old tv could get all channels can anyone please help. If it means someone to come out then how much

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I'D agree with you there mark it switched to freeview/digital with no choice i pay my tv license to watch tv and so surely there should be a responsibilty to who ever that goes to to make sure im reciving what i pay for just like a supermarket is responsible for what it sells so should they

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Hi i wont to know if buying a signal booster will sort my problem or a different cox cable will i bought a ready made one if i mess with the wire from tv to wall[not power lead] i loose signal does anyone no what to do pls

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please can any one help i wish i didnt get a new tv surely there is something i can do is it the outside aeriel or the wire to my tv i know when i had old non built in freeview i had to have the freeview on top of tv to get all channels now the cable isnt in same position ive lost loads so does any one have any ideas if i have to have outside aeriel done how much please all i wont is what im forced to pay for

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the make is baird and model is CN42LEDBK
ive tried a lot of stuff like retunning without areial in and with in ive tried a reset i even bought a cox cable but dunno if i did that right cos that was worse then just the already made one ive even plugged s-av[think thats wot there called]to extend but its no better

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right all i know is that if i move the areial lead to my tv from the wall socket i get a signal on uhf 44,47 an 48 but it will constantly flucktuate from good to bad and then not pick up anything when i manage to get some reception it still jumps or says no signal but if i mess with the cable are stand near i get better signal but still not all pickin up all channels im really getting to the point im gonna break the tv its stressin me out

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i had 40 never got full an now i have 8 bad signal channels no bbc or owt what ill do is stop payin for tv n if they wont there money they can sort it i aint payin for somethin i dont get its unfair wouldnt go to asda an pay for a cheese sandwhich that you dont get why pay for tv when i dont get it

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i feel like im being duiped by the tv licensing because its costing me money for a service that isnt provided you have to pay for your arieal to be fitted by someone which varies from £40-£255 or something plus buying a tv which well arent cheap but then ontop of that you have to pay £145 a year for something you already paid for but if theres a problem with the signal its not there job to sort it im meant to be paying for tv not static so in my eyes i pay them so they should sort it or give a reduced rate since i dont get all i pay for plus since i dont have any bbc it should be free since thats where my money goes

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when i do a tune in all i can choose is the country to start after it fails then the region comes up as yorkshire an wont allow me to change it i know its a strange q but why would it be the lead in the house when its brand new but if move it around n that it picks up see when i had old tv with a freeview box the box was on top of my tv and i had to have it pulled tight to keep a signal any ideas what type of fault that would b n any ideas how to sort

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i will try when there is daylight also how do I do this as the cable in the wall socket is not long enough do i have to extend this some how an thank you

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