Sheffield Live
Main TV standard-definiton channels
How to Watch: Sheffield Live
Local TV channels
Channel name arrow_drop_down | web | radio | Freeview | Sky | Freesat | ||
Sheffield Live | 7 (54%) |
Local content: This is a local TV service.
Official site: See the
From Wikipedia: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Other reasons this message may be displayed If a page was recently created here, it may not yet be visible because of a delay in updating the database wait a few minutes and try the purge function. If the page has been deleted, check the deletion log, and see Why was the page I created deleted. - en.wikipedia.org
Freeview multiplex: Sheffield Live is on a special local multiplex broadcasting only to the Sheffield area.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Tina Marsh2:06 PM
dear sir/madam.
Could you please tell me if you do independent adverts on your channel and if so how muh would it cost. thank you.
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MikeB4:06 PM
Tina Marsh: It might be a good idea to contact the actual channel....
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Saturday, 1 August 2015
nichola maris3:11 PM
Why can't I get freeview channel 8 Sheffield live
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jb387:44 PM
nichola maris: Reception of Sheffield live (8) is entirely dependent on your location, (post code required to check) as the low powered signal from the Sheffield transmitter is beamed out in an Easterly / to S/S Easterly direction.
If your TV or box has a "manual tuning" facility try scanning C55, this being the multiplex channel number that the programme is transmitted on.
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Friday, 11 September 2015
stephen campbell9:37 PM
hi I was recently working on Sheffield tram,
it was about june this year it was outside cathedral
when filming took place it was shown on freeview but I missed it
could I get any possible leed on how to watch it
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015
jayne froggatt 5:09 PM
I still can't get the new channel 82 but I can get channel 81 I have retune it but I still wont come on I done live Sheffield Wincobank S91QA
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jb387:29 PM
jayne froggatt : The coverage map for Sheffields local (LS) Multiplex shows Wincobank as being outside the coverage area for this transmitter, the signal from same "in your direction" not quite reaching the Newhall area let alone Wincobank.
That said, coverage maps are not by any means 100% accurate, likewise can only really be used for reference purposes, therefore, if your TV or box offers a "manual" tuning facility? enter Sheffield's local Mux C55 (746.0 Mhz) into the box but pause at this point, (i.e: do "not" press search or scan) because if any trace of a signal is being received nomatter how low, the strength / quality level will be seen on the indicator bars.
It should though be appreciated, that Sheffield's LS Mux C55 is an extremely low powered transmitter which is beamed to cover the main and Southern areas of Sheffield, with a very limited spillage to the Northern areas of the city, such as you happen to reside in.
By the way, do you have your own aerial? or are you connected into a communal distribution system?
The other point being, guide number 81 cannot be used for reference purposes, as its broadcast on the COM7 transmitter which is twice the power of the LS Mux.
Further advice dependant on feedback.
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Thursday, 24 December 2015
Kit12:11 AM
jb38: Could you post a link to the coverage map for Sheffield's LS Mux C55, please?
I've been trying to find Sheffield Live on Ch8, as it says on their website, but cannot tune into it from home, family, or friends addresses. (Owlthorpe, Gleadless, Attercliffe and Highfield areas)
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jb385:34 PM
Kit : The coverage requested can be seen on the undermentioned link, clicking LSV in the list of multiplex names on the left hand side revealing the coverage area in green, blowing the picture up slightly for more detail
Which Freeview channels does the Sheffield transmitter broadcast?
However, whether or not reception of this channel can be expected in these areas is better served by using DUK's reception predictor, entering a post code in the "coverage checker" box applicable to a household in each of the areas mentioned, remembering to check the box marked "detailed view".
If Sheffield is not seen in the list of transmitters, then its not considered as being the "station" that covers the area, if though it is seen, but L-SFD is not listed on the right hand side of the various multiplexes used by each station, then Sheffield's local multiplex (Mux55) is not expected to be receivable in the area.
Digital UK - Coverage checker
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