Postcode SG4 7HP. Up until a few weeks ago I could receive all Freeviewchannels with no problems. Now all the BBCA channels vary from strong to no signal making them unwatchable. Every other MUX works fine. Luckily I can get all BBC channels on Freesat so question is largely academic (though there are times when this is not so good). I have a SONY with built in Freesat and Freeview and a high gain wide band loft mounted aerial pointed at Sandy Heath. All other houses round here have their aerials on long poles but I cannot do this as I live in a listed building. Any solution or do I live with it? Also would an aerial booster help?
Sunday 26 June 2011 12:51PM
Postcode SG4 7HP. Up until a few weeks ago I could receive all Freeview channels with no problems. Now all the BBCA channels vary from strong to no signal making them unwatchable. Every other MUX works fine. Luckily I can get all BBC channels on Freesat so question is largely academic (though there are times when this is not so good). I have a SONY with built in Freesat and Freeview and a high gain wide band loft mounted aerial pointed at Sandy Heath. All other houses round here have their aerials on long poles but I cannot do this as I live in a listed building. Any solution or do I live with it? Also would an aerial booster help?