Following the instructions on Friday 27th July to retune to enable more channels for the 2012 games I found i now have the following extre channels, 889 Koln.890 NDL FS MVP,SH,NDS,HH,HR FERNSEHEM,MDR FERNSEHEM,NES/KiKA,3 Sat and ZDF.Overall the picture quality and sound was excelent with no pixelisation.As i don't mind watching the extra channels is this the norm.I live within a 5 mile radius of ELY Cambridgeshire at or below sea level in a dip.
Sunday 29 July 2012 11:30PM
Following the instructions on Friday 27th July to retune to enable more channels for the 2012 games I found i now have the following extre channels, 889 Koln.890 NDL FS MVP,SH,NDS,HH,HR FERNSEHEM,MDR FERNSEHEM,NES/KiKA,3 Sat and ZDF.Overall the picture quality and sound was excelent with no pixelisation.As i don't mind watching the extra channels is this the norm.I live within a 5 mile radius of ELY Cambridgeshire at or below sea level in a dip.