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All posts by Chris.SE

Below are all of Chris.SE's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Chris Dixon:

I don't know if they can give you any more information by getting in touch with them by email -
Get in touch | Bilsdale Mast: Project Restore
or try ringing 0800 121 4828.

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David Warner:

It has nothing to do with your transmitter or location, it is whether or not a particular set/box is "correctly" supporting a given streamed service. If the set isn't connected to the internet then obviously you won't get any streamed services.
I trust you've noted all the changes made on the 21st -
Latest channel launches and changes on Freeview | Freeview

You will probably find all the other streamed services on LCNs 261 onwards work although Channelbox LCN271 and Alaraby Network LCN279 may be temperamental about loading the selection you make!
Currently other services that stream outside of their broadcast hours should work, afaik there's only Create & Craft LCN85 at present, but as you know Together TV doesn't on some sets.
Should you not find the choice of streamed religious channels currently LCNs280-284 to your liking, don't forget TBN UK LCN66 (SD broadcast PSB3) !

At this point I'll mention HbbTV functionality. This is the "modern standard" for streaming, but not all streaming channels are using it either at all (in addition to MHEG) or exclusively (afaik) except LCN100 Freeview Play and LCN555 Accessible TV Guide, but Catch-up player functionality seems to work on the main PSB channel players.without HbbTV using the "Explore Freeview TV" App rather than LCN100.

At this point I haven't checked all the others, we don't know what other changes may have been made behind the scenes. They used to work but I'm currently having a problem with CBS Catchup & Legend (previous use suggest they go to the same servers) so that could be them rather than any change in functionality, so I'll check again later.

So on MY set Together TV+1 stopped working at it wouldn't stream, even with HbbTV on, since changes back in February, and now LCN83 doesn't stream with yesterday's changes.
Other oddities on MY set, Talking Pictures LCN82, I don't get the Red button show up on screen, but TPTV Encore does work.
Since yesterday's changes the new "Great TV player" Red button doesn't work for me on any of their 4 channels.
On MY set, LCN208 didn't stream when it was introduced (even though the separate App did), but started working a while ago.

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Thursday 22 June 2023 1:20PM


Winter Hill is still listed for Planned Engineering, whether that has anything to do with what you are experiencing I don't know.

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kevin bond:

Arqiva never state how long particular works may take or what is involved.
It is highly unlikely that there is no signal otherwise there would be thousands of complaints around various forums.
Also, there has been some quite variable weather related Tropospheric Ducting in recent days which can affect reception because of interference being received from more distant transmitters in Europe or the UK - not all multiplexes are necessarily affected, but this isn't normally sustained for any lengthy periods, nor is there normally any lengthy interruptions to transmission during engineering and even if they are on reduced power for a while, or the reserve antenna are being used you should still be receiving signals unless you are in a weaker signal area.
As you haven't provided a full postcode we can't advise or comment on that.

Did you perchance Retune at any point when you may have had no signal for a short while either due to Interference or Engineering? If so this very often clears your correct tuning. It's not advised to retune when you have no signal or badly pixellated pictures if you were initially correctly tuned.

If you did, and you don't know if your tuning has been cleared, your best best will be to do a Manual tune for Ridge Hill's UHF channels.
They are C28, C25, C22, C21, C24, & C27 that's in multiplex order -
If perchance you want the West ITV Local news instead of Central you need to tune C29.

All the above assumes that you've checked all your coax plugs are plugged in, no power loss to any amps/splitters and your aerial hasn't fallen down etc. these are obvious things to do.
It's always worth checking with a very near neighbour if they have lost signal (and NOT retuned).

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Hi, thanks for the update. I hadn't done a wide search but had gained the impression this was more than just Winter Hill. There have ben problems with EPG coding for a while, JS who is a poster here periodically complains about issues, I hope he's been in contact with BBC Engineering and Arqiva.

I'm also sure that there are other issues which only affect certain sets, why? Yet to be discovered.

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All free TV channels in the UK
Sunday 25 June 2023 1:50AM

Norman :

If you were receiving the Local multiplex previously, its reception would probably be very marginal in your location and the assumption would be you are receiving the Sutton Coldfield transmitter.
If so, your aerial would be pointing at compass bearing 210 degrees - fractionally west of SSW with rods (or squashed Xs) horizontal.
You could try a MANUAL tune of UHF C36 (for your direction) but may not find reception at all stable at present due to current weather conditions if you receive any signal at all.
With current weather conditions , if you are going to retune for the other multiplexes, it maybe best to manual tune all Sutton Coldfield UHF channels as autotune may miss anything with interference.
All the multiplexes are C43, C46, C40+, C42, C45, C39+, C36 that's in the order
BBCA/PSB1, D3&4/PSB2, BBCB HD/PSB3, SDN/COM4, ArqA/COM5, ArqB/COM6 and Local L-BRM.

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Glad yours is resolved. I understood some Pioneer models were also affected.

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It doesn't seemed to be listed for Planned Engineering next week, but it's always possible the work hasn't been completed, there have been errors in the listings before!
BUT did you read my previous reply Winter Hill (Bolton, England) Full Freeview transmitter | free and easy
What was the outcome of the checks and suggested MANUAL retune?

There is still some quite variable weather related Tropospheric Ducting in recent days which can affect reception because of interference being received from more distant transmitters in Europe or the UK - not all multiplexes are necessarily affected, but this isn't normally sustained for any lengthy periods, nor is there normally any lengthy interruptions to transmission during engineering and even if they are on reduced power for a while, you should still be receiving signals -

Did you check with a near neighbour?
Have you received a postcard from because you should have. If a new/updated mobile phone mast is very close to you, that could be causing ongoing issues but without more detail of your installation - do you have an aerial amp/amp-splitter etc. it's difficult to advise.

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David Adams:

This sort of issue is usually caused by the set/box memory either getting "muddled" or you were receiving more than one transmitter when you reuned.

The best way to resolve this is to clear the memory and then perform a manual retune BUT note -
There has been some quite variable weather related Tropospheric Ducting in recent days which can affect reception because of interference being received from more distant transmitters in Europe or the UK - not all multiplexes are necessarily affected, but this isn't normally sustained for any lengthy periods, but if present during automatic retunes can cause the sort of problem you've seen especially with multiple retunes!

The usual way to clear memory is to unplug the aerial and start an automatic retune (you can cancel it once started) so no channels are found. With your Humax beware it may also clear any scheduled recording which you'll have to reset.
IF this method doesn't clear memory, refer to the set/box's manual.

In normal circumstances you are predicted to be able to receive more than one transmitter, and this could be "enhanced" in current conditions so that even with the transmitters in different directions your aerial may still receive the signals on "side-lobes".

The best way to ensure that you tune correctly is to manual tune the UHF channels -
For each of the 6 multiplexes (groups of channels) -
The UHF channels for Caradon Hill are C28, C25, C22, C21, C24, C27 - that's In the multiplex order -PSBs1/BBCA, PSB2/D3&4, PSB3/BBCB HD, COM4/SDN, COM5/ArqA, COM6/ArqB

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Peter Flannery:

The channels have not been removed, you may just not be receiving them. This is an independent technical helpsite, so we'll provide advice on how to hopefully resolve your problem.

There has been some quite variable weather related Tropospheric Ducting in recent days which can affect reception because of interference being received from more distant transmitters in Europe or the UK - not all multiplexes are necessarily affected, but this isn't normally sustained for any lengthy periods, but if present during automatic retunes it can cause the sort of problem you've seen.

Both Classic FM LCN731 and Sky Arts LCN11 are carried on the ArqA/COM5 multiplex (a group of channels). If you are currently not getting the multiplex you will most likely be missing a number of other channels on ArqA, such as LCNs 12, 19, 31, 36, 40, 43, 45, 47 and quite a few more including a number of radio stations.

To restore it you'll be best by doing a MANUAL tune in your TV tuning section for UHF channel C22 which is the one for ArqA/COM5 at Rowridge. If for some reason you do not normally receive Rowridge but another transmitter,, please provide a full postcode so we can check.

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