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All posts by Keith

Below are all of Keith 's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Connecting it all up
Tuesday 13 September 2011 6:16PM

mark does your amplifier have optical input?

if so use the spdif output to output the audio to your amp
if it doesnt you could convert the audio to the red and white type input using one of these…lers

now that was a quick google i have never used one and im sure many makes are availble


ps check if the spdif is an output usually you can see it lit up red behind the cover (S201EG)

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What price for an aerial installation?
Tuesday 13 September 2011 10:29PM

This is quite amusing
this company offer a choice of
Analogue aerial or
Digital Aerial

mmmm whats the difference seen as there is no such thing as a digital aerial
Guildford Aerials & Satellites Installers (S201EG)

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What price for an aerial installation?
Tuesday 13 September 2011 11:03PM

Apart from the fact its a digital transmission

Whats dab then is that analogue too



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What price for an aerial installation?
Tuesday 13 September 2011 11:07PM

Its just a list of aerial installers robert

Probably pay a fee to advertise on

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What price for an aerial installation?
Wednesday 14 September 2011 7:08AM

The aerial installer listed in sheffield on there is a reputable installer from what i have seen of his work never had any one whinge about him

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What price for an aerial installation?
Wednesday 14 September 2011 3:34PM

Robert - a bit of patience and lining a freesat dish up isnt hard

as for female aerial riggers im not aware of a single one - I know one of my friends who is another aerial installer does know one female aerial installer

I cant see why a female could not do this job to be honest - I think the toughest part would be lifting the ladders off and back on to the van and setting them up but other than that as long as the person in question has no problems with working at height then cant see an issue

and as for sexist remarks "erection" yes im afraid the job is erecting aerials

I can see the amusement in that but don't find it derogatory or sexist - in fact I suppose you could class us
as erection specialists!

Shaun - how do you choose who gets invited to the forum and fixmy aerial .com as I am interested


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What price for an aerial installation?
Wednesday 14 September 2011 10:49PM

Ian yes those prices seem correct
As for £50 "just" to remove old aerial what u have to concider is they are doing a similar task to installing an aerial
They are using fuel to get there they have to run the van have possibly a 40 mins drive to get to you a 40 min drive back time on site ladders off the van etc
They could be installing an aerial and earning more in the same amount of time they have to pay tax on the money too and possibly vat
So if they charge £30 they pay £8 in tax a fiver to run the van my van does 22mpg fully loaded and 40 with ladders and all tools out its not like running a high mpg car so would you risk going on a roof for £17 for aprox 2 hours of your time £8.50 an hour to risk your life - sorry no not worth it and before u say firemen earn about that they get their pensions paid

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What price for an aerial installation?
Thursday 15 September 2011 7:21AM

Ian , no problem

Thing about our job is no one wants to do it because of the risks involved but some people feel they shouldnt have to pay

Thankyou for seeing mine and ians point of view


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