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All posts by Keith

Below are all of Keith 's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

What price for an aerial installation?
Sunday 18 September 2011 9:00AM

Hopefully once every one has switched over to digital the cowboy who want to earn a quick buck will move onto other pastures !

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What price for an aerial installation?
Sunday 18 September 2011 5:58PM

Thanks guys - makes a good read for me - still wet behind the ears (thanks tom - will run you off the road next time I see you)
Steve - you sound like my friend Bill Wright ( Wright's Aerials )
Hes hilarious when he starts rambling (read some of his stories on his web site)

As for Single side band modulation - ooops I mean SSB brackets - not used one ever - sort of scowl at them when I see them ------ BUT and a big BUT i cant say ive been to many where they have come down! but im still a young whipper snapper and probably not seen many at all - best go get my bottle its 6pm and nearly bed time!

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What price for an aerial installation?
Sunday 18 September 2011 6:37PM


when I was just starting out I asked the lad behind the counter of the local supplier if there was anyone i might work with to train me up so I could learn a bit

A few month later there was this peculier fellow in the supplies and I was introduced to William Wright we chatted exchanged numbers and heard nothing for about 6 months
one sunday night I get this call about 9 pm - Bill on the phone - about 2 hours later I came off the phone with my head spinning - Has this guy just offered me a job ?

well never looked back - done countless jobs for him worked with him on some great projects and learnt ONE HELL of a lot
and hes great to fall back on if I need a question answering

Great Great friend - one of the best you could EVER have!


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What price for an aerial installation?
Sunday 18 September 2011 6:39PM

Oh -- and he has a great Bonfire night every year!

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What price for an aerial installation?
Sunday 18 September 2011 7:24PM

Thought the idea wasnt to drill into a chimney tom ?

Mark - mmm not sure how my 9 yr old would take that -
I do give him a fiver if he comes out with me and doesnt get in the way

might start introducing him to how to do stuff

My 13 year old isn't interested in the slightest -- He says its GAY installing aerials --- his friends make me laugh cause they all think my jobs cool

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What can I do when my Sky Digibox says 'No Signal' or &
Monday 19 September 2011 7:20PM

i would suggest that its down to you to sort out an aerial rigger - id oblige but I'm 113 miles away from Buckingham

Ask around see if your friends or relatives have had a good experience with a local rigger and give them a ring

Keith KB Aerials Sheffield 07946481125

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New Astra 1N satellite to offer more UK-focused capacity - and
Tuesday 20 September 2011 6:51PM

I know its not very PC - but cant they switch the satellites off just for a week or two

Might have a few more aerial jobs to go to then !

Keith (smiley)

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Four million homes in Yorkshire, West Midlands "go digital" ton
Tuesday 20 September 2011 7:07PM

Looks like fun and games tomorrow - ive already got a full day of retunes to do that I acquired on the 7th of september as some people simply cannot do the retunes no matter how hard you try and explain

one guy who was in his 80's I went to on the 7th had such a vast array of different branded products in 5 different rooms that it was impossible to explain the tuning method of every different component

Along with a guy in Eckington ( S21 )who could never receive Emley moor before is chomping at the bit to get correct regional news !

Got to say I told him it may be possible but untill I test reception I dont know if its possible!

I think theres going to be a lot of people who can now receive the correct news who have NEVER been able to and by changing their aerial from a group A to a group B on Emley

From what I can see people in sheffield are sick and tired of being told about scarbourgh and lincolnshire from Belmont or Central from Waltham transmitter !

Keith KB Aerials Sheffield

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Four million homes in Yorkshire, West Midlands "go digital" ton
Wednesday 21 September 2011 7:18AM

Wow all these people trying to watch tv in the deep hours

Well I was asleep !

Rescanned this morning 105 channels found on 5 muxes - (no HD tuner in my tv hence no 6th mux)

will get out of bed soon and have a look on the Analyser

Keith KB Aerials Sheffield

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Four million homes in Yorkshire, West Midlands "go digital" ton
Wednesday 21 September 2011 7:27AM

Ive got to say im rather amused by all these peoples disgust at something that has been advertised for years happening

its like saying -

What olympic games in 2012 -- NO ONE TOLD ME - sigh - (sad smiley)


well if I knew christmas was on the 25th I would have bought you a present


Its your birthday mum - why wasn't I aware

all tongue in cheek

Keith KB Aerials Sheffield

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