After retuning today I have lost all BBC channels and the signal quality of all other channels is atrocious - the TV is unwatchable. I use the Mendiptransmitter. I have resorted to trying the unplugging and then clearing channel list & retuning method but no luck. Signal strength and quality were excellent until the 11th - last night they were awful after we retuned. Any ideas. I have a Panasonic DMR-EZ4ZV DVD/VHS/Digi Box
Wednesday 12 January 2011 9:32PM
After retuning today I have lost all BBC channels and the signal quality of all other channels is atrocious - the TV is unwatchable. I use the Mendip transmitter. I have resorted to trying the unplugging and then clearing channel list & retuning method but no luck. Signal strength and quality were excellent until the 11th - last night they were awful after we retuned. Any ideas. I have a Panasonic DMR-EZ4ZV DVD/VHS/Digi Box