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Below are all of William 's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday 19 September 2012 8:32PM

And just to clarify things I am getting 12.93V DC ( inner to outer ) on my main aerial port marked TV on my master wall plate and when I turn the small dial on the attenuator when plugged into aerial In on sky box it makes my bedroom analogue/sky pic go from fuzzy to totally clear great picture but the heat coming off the attenuator is quite warm already don't know if this is a worry or not

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Thursday 20 September 2012 7:51AM

The bedroom and living room co-ax point can't have been fitted the wrong way round for the obvious reason that the bedroom plate is only a single point and the wall plate in the living room is a double plate with 5 points on it including TV ( main aerial ) , sat 1 , sat 2 , FM , return and a telephone outlet

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Thursday 20 September 2012 7:55AM

Also I think your correct about the test leads being reversed " I am receiving 9V DC " on the back terminals of my bedroom wall plate between the co-ax braiding and internal core but not on the outlet at the front of the plate and with regards to my attenuator the heat level of it cooled off totally when I turned the red dial on it to clear up my bedroom analogue/sky picture it was only heating up when the picture was fuzzy in the bedroom ( must have been the wrong setting )

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Thursday 20 September 2012 4:17PM

My master wall plate is a screened socket quadruplexed + return

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Thursday 20 September 2012 4:47PM

And the bedroom co-ax point is a single point ( isolated with capacitor ) that's prob the reason it's not allowing the 9V to come through I take it

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Thursday 20 September 2012 5:15PM

Jb38 thank you for all your help and sorry if I am wasting your time with some of these posts but some of the discoveries I am making day to day seem to differ I work a lot and don't always get the chance to do a lot at home as I don't get much time but what I did notice there was When my sky box and TV were switched off at the wall when I came home I went straight over to my master TV point put the volt meter on it and got nothing.
I then switched my box and TV on , 5 mins later I was getting a voltage 28V DC on the same point that I was before getting nothing on the only two cables from my box to my wall plate the whole time were the " sat 1 " and " sat 2 " cables for my sky + , so I took the cover off to see ( like you suggested ) if there was no capacitor fitted at the back and all that is in the back are two co-ax cables going into an enclosed silver unit which seems to be doing the main aerial and the satellite don't really want to open this though

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Thursday 20 September 2012 5:52PM

2 weeks Mazbar and I've already had someone out who charged through the nose and never fixed it Not had any time to be in for a repair guy recently as I've been busy at work but everything should be ok now anyway thanks to jb38

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Thursday 20 September 2012 8:44PM

Ok jb38 you were right all along The 28V or so that's coming from my main aerial point when I put it through the attenuator it doesn't cut my sky signal " but " I have just found out that it isn't actually sending the digital signal to my bedroom TV at all I am seeing about Half my freeview pictures in my room but I actually just noticed that half my channels were missing so I went into my TV's menu to find out that there is actually no aerial input and I now realise that this is why the isolated co-ax point is fitted in the bedroom because of the voltage coming down the main aerial line i finish work early tomorrow so I will come home and spend some time on this I will need to open the back of my Main wall plate and open it up I had it open earlier just for a quick look and noticed 3 co-ax cables going into it 1 into the return ( to bedroom ) and 2 cables together into an enclosed unit ( presumably for main aerial and sat 1 and 2 ) thought there would have been 4 in total 1 for each sat feed 1 to my bedroom and one for the main aerial ?

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Friday 21 September 2012 4:37PM

Ok so when my sky box isn't switched on I get no voltage at my main aerial point.
When it's switched on I get 18V at my main aerial point.
I've tried the signal strength page and both the signal strength/quality from sat 1 and sat 2 on the wall plate are To my box are near full even when I put sat 2 into input 1 I still get good signal strength.

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Friday 21 September 2012 4:42PM

So I then opened the master wall plate and set the meter on the lowest ohms scale I tested first of all each cable separately ( braiding to inner core ) totally clear.
Then between my 2 braidings from the two that go into the triplexed unit nearly a dead short 0.02 ( don't know of this is normal ).
I have 3 coaxes at back of master wall plate the return coax is in a separate module ( to bedroom obviously ) and the other two coaxes go in to this labgear module one into sat2 input and the other into triplexed input ( I presume for sat 1 , TV and FM ) 

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