Today Wednesday I retuned my TV which has built in freeview and I received only the BBC channels none others and even the BBC channels would drop out or the picture would break up. This is off a roof aerial which gave me perfect analogue picture.So I connected it to a loft aerial which I also have and this gave me 55 channels and perfect picture quality. So do I need to change my roof aerial or retune in a couple of weeks. I also noticed that my roof aerial points towards London and my loft aerial points towards Bedford. Please can you help. Thanks.
Wednesday 13 April 2011 5:03PM
Today Wednesday I retuned my TV which has built in freeview and I received only the BBC channels none others and even the BBC channels would drop out or the picture would break up. This is off a roof aerial which gave me perfect analogue picture.So I connected it to a loft aerial which I also have and this gave me 55 channels and perfect picture quality. So do I need to change my roof aerial or retune in a couple of weeks. I also noticed that my roof aerial points towards London and my loft aerial points towards Bedford. Please can you help. Thanks.