For a number of months my digital reception has been fine across all stations and all the time. Starting about 2 weeks ago my signal reception disappeared on multiplexes 2, A, C, and D, early evening through to the morning, yet during the day it is fine on all multiplexes. This means BBC and only a few other stations can be received during the evening/morning period. I currently point to the Crystal Palace transmitter (about 20 miles away) and have a high gain Group A aerial. Any thoughts/help on what my problem is would be much appreciated. Thanks.......
Saturday 23 April 2011 11:06PM
For a number of months my digital reception has been fine across all stations and all the time. Starting about 2 weeks ago my signal reception disappeared on multiplexes 2, A, C, and D, early evening through to the morning, yet during the day it is fine on all multiplexes. This means BBC and only a few other stations can be received during the evening/morning period. I currently point to the Crystal Palace transmitter (about 20 miles away) and have a high gain Group A aerial. Any thoughts/help on what my problem is would be much appreciated. Thanks.......