From CM9 (Maldon)
Changed from Crystal Palace to Sudbury a few weeks back, all well and no errors including the channel 54 MUX with a new band E & amp in the loft.
Now no sign of Ch63 MUX, pretty much as everyone else here !
Retune stops at Ch63 but picks up nothing (based on the other MUX data is it ?).
Looks like I'd better go back to running Crystal Palace a while longer. At least I can get at it in the loft.
Friday 18 November 2011 1:13AM
From CM9 (Maldon)
Changed from Crystal Palace to Sudbury a few weeks back, all well and no errors including the channel 54 MUX with a new band E & amp in the loft.
Now no sign of Ch63 MUX, pretty much as everyone else here !
Retune stops at Ch63 but picks up nothing (based on the other MUX data is it ?).
Looks like I'd better go back to running Crystal Palace a while longer. At least I can get at it in the loft.