Since I was receiving a poor signal from Mux 2 and Mux A wednesday last I replaced my loft antenna with Labgear 4 way megaboost antenna and after alinging it to crystal palace using my phone sat nav and performing a few scans using some software I have on my windows MCE TV I was happy to find I have 100% sig quality on all 5 muxes. Today Mux 2 and A are less than 100% am I am struggling to get a wathcable picture on ITV1 - does anyone have an explanation for this and what does LOW POWER signify on this web sites page dealing with Crystal Palace and the 2 muxes in question ??
Saturday 21 January 2012 12:04PM
Since I was receiving a poor signal from Mux 2 and Mux A wednesday last I replaced my loft antenna with Labgear 4 way megaboost antenna and after alinging it to crystal palace using my phone sat nav and performing a few scans using some software I have on my windows MCE TV I was happy to find I have 100% sig quality on all 5 muxes. Today Mux 2 and A are less than 100% am I am struggling to get a wathcable picture on ITV1 - does anyone have an explanation for this and what does LOW POWER signify on this web sites page dealing with Crystal Palace and the 2 muxes in question ??