My Dad has Freesat coming through a community arial. We bought him a Freeview + box but we don't seem to be able to get Freesat and Freeview at the same time. One of them says 'no signal'. Is there a way of connecting the TV, Freeview box and Freesat cable so he can view everything without unplugging cables?
Thanks Briantist. So - just to clarify - we can't use the Freeview box alongside freesat that is coming through the cable? do we really need another box to view both?!
Tuesday 26 April 2011 12:21PM
My Dad has Freesat coming through a community arial. We bought him a Freeview + box but we don't seem to be able to get Freesat and Freeview at the same time. One of them says 'no signal'. Is there a way of connecting the TV, Freeview box and Freesat cable so he can view everything without unplugging cables?