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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Wednesday 7 March 2012 9:17AM

Andrew Tegala: You could possibly have a comprise between both stations, try scrubbing what's already stored on your TV or box by carrying out a factory re-set (maybe called default setting) then carry out a "manual" tune on Crystal Palaces BBC1 on Mux Ch25, storing anything received (if that is) then carry out a second manual tune this time on CP's ITV Mux Ch22, backing out of the tuning menu after having carried out both actions and testing the result on both.

If this procedure proved as being satisfactory, then you can recover the remaining muxes by using your equipments "search for other channels" or "update channel list" or whatever it might be called on what you are using.

If though nothing is received by the manual tuning exercise then there really isnt anything you can do to rectify this situation, this by the fact of the aerial system being outwith your control.

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Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Wednesday 7 March 2012 9:32AM

Andrew Tegala: Regarding the latter part of my reply, that is although nothing can really be done about the situation regarding the aerial its definitely worth making another attempt using the procedure described from April 18th when Crystal Palace has fully switched to high powered operation.

Should you decide to try this, then from that date the channels used will be: Ch23 (BBC1) - Ch26 (ITV1) - Ch30 (HD service) - Ch25 (SDN) - Ch22 (ArqA) - Ch28 (ArqB)

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Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Wednesday 7 March 2012 1:25PM

Andrew Tegala: Just a little point regarding that particular box, rather than carrying out the factory default procedure which would make it necessary for you to restore all your previously made configuration settings, just take aerial out an carry out a re-tune without it as that action will in most cases delete the channel memory, then carry out the aforementioned manual scan after re-connecting the aerial.

If though for any reason you are forced to carry out the factory default to completely eliminate the channel list, then double check that the "format HDD" box is NOT checked or it will delete anything you have previously recorded.

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Diagnostics - old version
Wednesday 7 March 2012 7:48PM

Martin Rosen: The fact that you can get the stations when the aerial is plugged directly into the TV simply indicates that your signal is weak, with it being further reduced when passing through the recorder whereby its dropping under the reception threshold level of your equipment.

Assuming that you are receiving your signal from Crystal Palace and which will start switching over to high power operation from April 4th / 18th, its maybe not worth purchasing the device that would rectify your present problem by providing exactly the same level of signal to both your devices, namely a two way powered splitter.

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Margaret: It has actually been published that there is liable to be interruptions to Reigates Freeview service over the coming week in connection to work being carried out in preparation for switchover taking place between 4th / 18th of April.

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jo: Its impossible for anyone to offer advice without them having knowledge of your location, this preferably in the form of a post code for purposes of greater accuracy when assessing the signal levels expected in your area.

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neil cromarty : On having a look at the posting you referred to are you meaning that there is no picture on the TV in the bedroom? and if this is the case then are you sure that the RF modulators channel on the Sky box has not altered from whatever you had set it to.

Of course if you are not sure what channel it was set on before then just carry out an "analogue" re-scan on the bedroom TV and it will find it, although it would have been of assistance to have knowledge of your location to be able to advise on the channels NOT to use for the Sky boxes RF output, this just in case it will clash with any of the Freeview signals which I assume are possibly also being looped through the Sky box.

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Wednesday 7 March 2012 11:23PM

Jeff White: There is a great possibility that the signal being received on the now high powered BBC mux is excessively strong whereby is blocking its reception, with this type of problem showing up much more on some tuners more than others.

Another side effect of this problem is that it can slightly desensitise the tuner whereby its difficult to receive lower powered muxes such as presently exist until changeover is complete on April 18th.

As they only cost a few pounds (approx £4.00) I would be inclined to purchase an attenuator of about 10 db or so before paying the area another visit, with the attenuator being placed in line with the TV's aerial socket.

If though you see a variable type with a range of 0-20db these are even better, as they can be finely tuned to obtain the desired results.

There is always an element of hit and miss involved with these things, but that's the procedure I would use as what you have mentioned suggests the problem is one of an over powerful signal.

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Dave: All you are really doing by rolling the batteries around in the holder is simply cleaning the contacts between them and their spring retainers in the casing, either of being slightly oxidised and requiring a light rub with some fine grade (1000+) carborundum paper.

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GB flag If you have Sky+ then you will already have two leads from the dish feeding into the box, and although the box only requires two inputs there is a possibility that the engineer that fitted it "might" have installed a quad LNB (4 output) on the end of the dish arm, and if he did then a cable will require to be run from one of the spare outlets to the Freesat receiver.

There is no other way it can be done as you cannot split a satellite cable in the same way that you can with a normal aerial.

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