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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Scott: Thanks for the update and pleased to hear all is OK again, though its a bit strange as to how the problem developed in the first place? still the only thing that really counts being that it is now working.

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Mr.B Edwards: This problem is possibly caused by your Panasonic TV's tuner being overloaded if you are located reasonably close to the transmitter, as Panasonic tuners are one of the best around for sensitivity but with this plus point being in reverse if located near to a high powered transmitter.

I suggest that "for a test" you try either a set top aerial or a short piece of wire (about 2 -3 feet) connected into the aerial socket and check the results, if the problem stops then you require an attenuator in line with the TV's aerial input socket.

If by the way you use a powered splitter? then for another test try by passing it.

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Martin warren: Have you carried out the following procedure?

Connected a coax cable link from the Sky boxes RF1 (or 2 if using a magic eye) to the aerial input of your other TV.

If the other TV is an old analogue model then carry out an auto-tune so that it can search for the channel that the Sky box is sending the signal out on, once found store it.

If though the other TV is a Freeview type then it must be set to its "analogue" mode before carrying out the auto-tuning procedure or it will not pick the Sky box up.

If you still cannot get it to work then please give the model of box involved, as there is an Amstrad model (DRX595) that does not have an RF modulator fitted as standard.

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Martin warren: On reading your posting again it now appears that you might be referring to two Sky+ boxes? should this be the case then are you using it with one or two feeds from the same dish used by the living room Sky+HD box, the LNB being a quad type with four outlets.

If you are then the "no signal" has to be caused by either a cable fault or alternatively as you have mentioned, a waterlogged "F" connector, as the dish must be aligned OK if the living room box is working from it.

The only other possibility is that the outlet port on the LNB is defective as the four outputs are independent of each other, although if you swap the "F" connector used by the box with "no signal" onto another port that presently used by the living room box then that will soon reveal if its the cable / connector at fault or the outlet port.

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Tuesday 28 August 2012 8:54PM

Rina Miles: It would also have been of assistance if you had provided your location as you could be absolutely anywhere in the UK or NI, this in the form of a post code or at least one from nearby as its impossible to assess the signal levels expected in your area nor the transmitter they are coming from without this info.

Please also provide info on the model of recorder you are using.

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Diagnostics - old version
Tuesday 28 August 2012 9:12PM

pat raikes: The flicking between ITV and back to BBC again suggests that the BBC station is being received at a level thats hovering around the cut off threshold and the flicking procedure is initially jolting it into action.

However what you have mentioned regarding Ch4 + 1 and Ch4 suggests that your problems are being caused by current atmospheric conditions as people from various areas are reporting similar types of problems.

The best way to find out if this is the case or not is to simply make some local enquiries, making sure that you mention the programmes involved as others might well be OK.

It would also have been of assistance to anyone replying if you had provided your post code, or one from nearby! as the transmitter covering your area cannot be checked on without this info.

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Martin warren: Yes if you are using a Sky+HD box in the living room (two dish feeds) and trying to get another Sky+ box to work in another location then that suggests that you have a quad LNB fitted, but as you only refer to "a wire" that infers that only a single feed been provided to that location from the dish meaning that there should (in theory) be a spare (unused) outlet port on the LNB.

You could of course just unscrew the "F" connector from the LNB and then further unscrew it from the coax for purposes of checking for traces of water, but the somewhat quicker method is to swap the "F" connector that feeds the problem box over with one from the living room feed and that will instantly show if the fault is with the "F" connector / coax or the LNB.

Needless to say that if its the LNB at fault then either the Sky HD boxes normal viewing or recording will start to show a problem.

The main point to remember being that your dish alignment must be OK otherwise the living room box would not work.

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Diagnostics - old version
Wednesday 29 August 2012 7:36PM

Jim Mackintosh: Its unlikely that your problem is being caused by anything connected to the aerial if the other channels are OK, and with the problem more likely to be associated with the current atmospheric conditions allowing a distant station on the same channel to be picked up and which is blocking your local station.

However the signal levels expected wherever you are located cannot be assessed without a post code being supplied, or at least one from nearby such as a shop or whatever.

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C: The real problem is caused by the powers that be only ever stating that a transmitter is down and not giving a fuller explanation of why, as in many cases its not actually a transmitter fault but one caused by an interruption in the electrical supply to the station, although because its an actual fault as such can cause the transmitter to be off for an indeterminable time, all relay transmitters being vulnerable to suffering from this type of problem and with it being one that's not instantly recognised as having happened hence the level of silence on the subject.

I am not of course saying that in this particular occasion that an interruption to the electrical supply is the cause of the problem, albeit that in many cases it is!

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Diagnostics - old version
Thursday 30 August 2012 12:07AM

Craig: You are indicated as receiving Freeview from Crystal Palace (under 8 miles away) and as such the mux channel used by ITV and Channel 4 is Ch26, so carry out a signal check whilst on the ITV1 and make sure that mux Ch26 is seen indicated, carry out this test even if the screen is blank as the signal will still be there but at a reduced level which is underneath the reception threshold for the set.

By the way the type of conditions that can seriously disrupt reception by allowing a TV or box to pick up distant stations and causing blockage of the locals is not what you view out of a window or wherever, as it caused by the much higher altitude atmospheric reasons.

"If" you are using a roof mounted aerial then you have to be cautious just in case your TV or box is being overloaded signal strength wise, this nearly always resulting in false signal strength indications being seen, a test with a set top aerial proving if this type of condition applies or not by being able to receive a reasonable picture, meaning that the signal "is" high.

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