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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Chris Norton: Although the user manual for your HDX860 does indeed indicate that the only tuning method offered on this model is auto-tune, purely from the curiosity point of view, after you have selected "DTV settings" and pressed "ENTER" three choices come up, one of being auto-tune, pressing this bringing up another choice of "do you want to start auto tuning "Yes" or "No", what happens if you press "NO"?

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Mrsouth: If you are referring to "not" getting a signal via a rooftop mounted aerial?, then the problem has to be caused by a fault on the aerial system, as the Winter Hill transmitter (@25 miles) covers the Blackpool area.

If though you are referring to the indoor aerial previously used for reception in the South of England?, then you must have been located in an exceptionally strong signal area, as indoor (same room) aerials are not really recommended for digital reception unless used in area's close (within sight) of the transmitter.

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Eddie Murphy : Although a quality indication of 100% is always the target to aim for, however, this figure is not always achievable in every location due to various factors such as the terrain surrounding the area, and so 70% is basically OK provided that its reasonably constant, as rapid fluctuations in same generally results in glitches in reception.

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Eddie Murphy : By the way, that said is mainly referring to Freeview reception, another factor that has to be kept in mind being, that the strength and quality indications generally vary from one brand of device to another when connected into the same aerial, the only one factor that does remain the same nomatter what brand of device is being used, being that rapid fluctuations being seen in the quality of the signal nearly always results in picture glitching, accompanied (in some instances) by audio problems.

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Tony: Two cables in each room points to the previous occupier using either Sky+ boxes or alternatively Freesat PVR's (twin channel recorders) in each of the rooms in question

Try connecting your old Sky box into both cables in "each" room, as these cables are completely independent of each other even although they all go into (or should do) the LNB on the dish, which by the fact of having six cables connected into it must be of the type known as an "OCTO" (8 output) block, although obviously only six of the eight ports are being used.

If the result of the test is "no signal" on all six cables, then one of the following reasons has to apply.

(1) The dish having moved slightly out of alignment, e.g: through being blown by high winds or accidentally knocked against.

(2) The cables in question having been damaged.

(3) The LNB has failed, albeit this being unusual, a more likely bet being that your old Sky box is defective.

Freesat boxes can also be used to test dish leads, as Freesat boxes are 100% compatible with Sky dish installations. As far as Sky boxes are concerned, all Sky boxes nomatter whether Sky+ or not (such as yours) can receive non subscription channels without any card being used, although Sky+ devices are only able to record / playback previously recorded programmes when a subscription is in force.

Further advice dependant on feedback.

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Saturday 20 June 2015 11:12AM

Heather wood: Sky satellite TV is not connected in any technical way with what its assumed you are referring to, that being Freeview TV via a normal aerial. However, its not possible for anyone to advise as to possible reasons for your problem unless they are aware of your location, this preferably provided in the form of a post code or one from somewhere nearby such as a Post office etc, as this info will enable access to details of the transmitter covering the area.

Other info which could prove helpful being, whether (or not) you reside in an apartment block connected into a communal aerial system?

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Full technical details of Freeview
Sunday 21 June 2015 12:18AM

TimH: Thanks for the update re model number etc, and having looked at the manual for the model in question can confirm that its not fitted with a switchable signal amplifier.

As far as your problem is concerned, it certainly wouldn't do any harm to try using an alternative jumper lead such as suggested by MikeB, although if this makes no difference to the problem, then the next stage is to try the set top aerial test, as Samsung HD tuners can, and frequently do, react in an adverse fashion to signals that come into the category of being "slightly over the top" strength wise.

This first witnessed by the fact that when the Craigkelly (Fife) transmitter switched over to high powered operation, a number of viewers in the Leith area of Edinburgh using Samsung devices complained (not via website) that their HD reception had vanished, attenuators in line with the aerial rectifying the problem.

Not saying that this is definitely the reason for your problem, but the possibility of it being has to be eliminated from the equation.

PS: I fully appreciate what you are meaning by - siting the indoor aerial on the window ledge won't pass internal approval! - but though as you have said, its only being done as a temporary temporary measure.

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Notts TV
Sunday 21 June 2015 10:00AM

Andy b: Notts TV will only be listed in the EPG if you reside in an area where the LNG multiplex can be received, the programme being broadcast on Mux C50 if receiving Freeview from the Nottingham transmitter, whereas Mux C26 if your reception is from the Waltham transmitter.

Unable to advise as to whether or not you reside in an area where reception is (or should) be possible without knowledge of your post code.

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Notts TV
Sunday 21 June 2015 10:59AM

Andy b: That said is on the assumption that you have already carried out a retune on your TV or box and that Notts TV (8) was not listed, because even if residing within the coverage area of either C50 or C26, the programme will not appear in the EPG unless a retune has been carried out.

If your receiver offers a "manual" tuning facility?, carry out one on the channel appropriate to where you are receiving your Freeview signal from.

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Ron Taylor: There is no reason why they would be, as satellite systems (Sky or Freesat) operate independently of each other.

If your Humax is still connected into the normal aerial?, then you should still be able to use it as well as your Sky box, the Humax connected into the TV using a scart lead, the Sky box connected into the TV via an HDMI lead, switching between the two sources using the "input select" button on your TV's remote control.

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