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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Angela: Although there is always the possibility of other factors being responsible, but by your Mum being located at only 10 miles away from the Blackhill transmitter its possible that the signal being received is excessively strong to the extent of it causing slight overloading in the boxes tuner, this affecting some brands much more than others.

As I take it she is likely to be using the blocks communal aerial, which by it being mounted at such a high level should (in theory anyway) be getting blasted with the signal, so purely for a test if she can manage to borrow a set top aerial that should be tried in her set, and the box being given a re-tune using that aerial, giving an update on results, as if that action has a reasonable success then an attenuator being placed in line with the boxes aerial socket would be required.

Should be said though, that the problem could be due to a fault in the Tower blocks aerial distribution system, although this is unlikely if none of her neighbours have problems.

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Film 4
Friday 23 March 2012 8:39PM

nick: You are indicated as being served by the Rowridge transmitter, and on checking same I dont feel that your problem will really be rectified until April 18th when the multiplex used by Film 4 etc increases its power, that is as well as changing its mux channel number being used as April 18th is a re-tuning event day.

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John: Two of the multiplexes at Sudbury are operating on very low power compared to the main PSB ones, with these being the ones used by the programme channels you have complained about. Unfortunately your problem will not really get any better until June 27th when both of them increase power at the same time as the re-tune even that takes place on that date.

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Alan B: As far as I can see it cuts off at just about level with Granard, although there is a little pocket of reception shown at slightly NW of Mullingar, but Granard can really be taken as being the limit for reception.

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Saturday 24 March 2012 8:11AM

David Parker: I agree entirely with Mark Fletchers opinion as these boxes are quite simply in legal terms "not fit for purpose", as although there are various pieces of Freeview equipment around that can be classed as coming into the category of being a bit iffy regarding performance, but as I am sure that you may well have already observed, that where it involves these Technika devices its a bit difficult to find anything being reported except of them being totally problematic.

I suppose really to quite honest about it, with this being why no constructive advice can be offered to assist you other than what Mark Fletcher has suggested, as, and without wishing to appear offensive, the term "flogging a dead horse" is always at the back of ones mind as the problem is one more of design, with any updates that might have been published really only being futile "shots in the dark" attempts to rectify problems, of course this sort of thing not being exclusive to this particular device!

Should by any chance the source you purchased it from be a bit reluctant to give you a refund, then I would advise you to mention trading standards.

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 24 March 2012 4:15PM

Peaches: No! as Freeview requires a normal aerial, (roof or loft) but you can however use it for viewing Sky's "free to view" channels (excl Pick TV) which although not exactly the same as Freesat does have similarities as far as many programmes are concerned.

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Saturday 24 March 2012 4:56PM

David Parker: As far as sources to purchase is concerned Argos is currently advertising a Humax HD-Fox T2 box for £89.97, (item No 532-2415) and although when dealing with digital equipment nothing can really ever be guaranteed to be perfect for 100% of the time, but from the engineering point of view Humax devices are basically quality boxes, so you couldn't really go far wrong with that.

Of course, much as I hate recommending devices to anyone as its tempting Murphy's law!

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Saturday 24 March 2012 8:15PM

David Parker: Humax is a quality brand, and which unlike most others is "not" a brand name that has been tagged onto a standard chassis that is also known under a host of other names, with this being the reason why some odd fault being reported might coincidentally (but not!) appear on more than one brand name, the Turkish manufactured Vestel chassis being known by at least 15+ different brand names including Philips, Hitachi, Digihome etc to name but a few.

Regarding the updates, the reason for them being frequently mentioned is simply because they are a company with excellent back up facilities, and many of these notifications are either for different models in their comprehensive range of Freesat & Freeview devices, or are simply repeats of updates that have been previously made, this just in case someone has missed them by having their box switched off completely rather than being left in standby. (which should always be done!)

Below is a link to their website where you can see their entire ranges of equipment, plus there is also a Humax users site where virtually any query a person might have can be answered by dedicated enthusiasts of Humax equipment. (myself having three of their devices, a Freesat HDR and two older 9200T Freeview PVR's)

Humax devices are always that little bit more expensive, but up to a point you get what you pay for, my only criticism of Humax being that they aren't quite so user friendly as far as their menu systems are concerned but which I can put up with for sake of having a box that dedicated spares can be obtained for, something which you cannot do for practically ever other brand, but its your choice as the special offer mentioned by Mark is quite appetising if you want to keep costs down.

Welcome to HUMAX [Global Website]

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Nic: You cannot alter anything on a Sky box concerning the EPG listings, plus the card you mention isnt really required so much now unless you wish the local news bulletins to be dedicated to your particular area, as the coding for that is entered into the "free to view" card by Sky on purchasing same.

Apart from that the only other channel it enables you to view is Pick TV.

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 24 March 2012 8:43PM

Patrick: The chances are that you wont be able to receive that properly until April 18th when a retune event takes place, the channel in question (Rowridge Ch33) moving to Ch28 and increasing in power from 20Kw to 50Kw.

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