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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday 24 July 2013 11:15PM

Colin Mason: What are the readings like if you reverse LNB1 and LNB2's inputs over? does the fault also switch places? because if it does then LNB'2s original feed is defective, this either being caused by water having entered the "F" connector at the dish end or even the outlet port itself having developed a fault.

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MikeP / Neil: Good point! depending on how the statement is interpreted, because having read it a few times I can see where you are coming from on this.

Neil, Although you haven't mentioned as such, but should you have another booster installed? then the aerial referred to should NOT be connected in any way to this, because as stated in my reply the coax from the aerials power unit has to run directly to the actual aerial with nothing intercepting it.

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Wednesday 24 July 2013 11:57PM

Colin Mason: Yes, because in Sky+ boxes normal viewing is achieved via the LNB1's input tuner, LNB2 used mainly for recording purposes, the easy way to test the dishes LNB (or lead from) being to view a programme on Sky then "whilst viewing the picture" swap the two dish feeds over, because if this results in the picture vanishing then the lead that has just been connected into the boxes LNB1 input is defective.

If though the picture does not vanish, then that points to the actual boxes LNB2 inputs tuner being faulty "if" it shows zero signal on its strength indicator.

Just a little point, would it be correct to assume that you are NOT on a communal dish system?

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Thursday 25 July 2013 7:20AM

Colin Mason: Yes! as these boxes are the original Sky + types albeit that they are still being used by lots of people, and so there is no real need to update it unless either HD reception is required or the box develops a fault, which due to their age they can do.

But as far as your dish is concerned, if the strength / quality indications (services - 4 - 6) are both around a "minimum" of 55% and yet nothing is being indicated on the LNB2 input even when the dish inputs are swapped over, this of course taking it for granted that you do have two inputs from the dish? then LNB2's tuner is faulty.

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Thursday 25 July 2013 7:56AM

Colin Mason: Just an extra to that said as I missed one of your replies, the ultimate test "is" achieved by swapping the leads over, but though this should be followed by the box being temporarily disconnected from the mains then after about 30 seconds or so re-connected again and allowed to go through the searching for listings procedure.

The reason being, that if any Sky+ box is connected into a dish with a fault on one of its dish feeds then the tuner that the defective feed is connected into will not "during the searching for listing procedure" have stored anything to recover by swapping the leads over, the only time that the mains disconnect / reconnect procedure is not required is on boxes that are permanently powered up whereby both tuners will have programmes already stored in them.

The reason for the qualification to that already said being by you having mentioned that you had tried another box, as the aforementioned will be applicable in this case by you having done this, satellite boxes unlike Freeview types NOT being able to store programmes when disconnected from the mains supply.

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Ian Kinnaird: If you are referring to a location thats anywhere near to the Feriniquarrie area then reception is not indicated as being possible, you can view this by opening the undermentioned link and going to the top of the page and where you will see the "approximate" coverage of the transmitter being indicated, this shown in more detail by by blowing the image up.

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Mark: Pleased to see that the new wall plate has rectified the problem, but though please keep in mind what I had previously mentioned regarding polarity, because if you are intending to record a programme that happens to be on the opposite polarity to that which you are presently viewing it will be blocked, the reason for this being that the Sky box sends a 2 level polarity switching control voltage to the dishes LNB (or in your case the remotely positioned switching unit) dependant on the channel you are viewing, but because you are only supplied via a single input feed the voltage has to be one or the other, i.e: high or low and not both at the same time.

You will of course be able to view any channel you wish provided that no attempt is made to record anything that happens to be on a different polarity, likewise if a timer recording has started from the box having been sitting in standby the polarity used by the channel being recorded will take precedence over anything that you might wish to view.

I only mention this in case you experience any problems.

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suzy: Yes! as you would be flogging the proverbial dead horse by wasting time trying to find a solution to something that is outwith your control, and although in situations such as yours satellite (Freesat) would normally be the answer I think I recall you having mentioned in the past that this is mode is not an option for financial reasons.

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Dave Lindsay: Yes, thanks for pointing that out, as I was purely going by that being indicated on the Scoval transmitters / services provided page.

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