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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

John Scott: It depends entirely where you are located? and whether or not you are able to receive the new low powered (5Kw) L-GLW Multiplex transmitting on Ch51, the programme referred to being on guide number 23 along with the Chart show (67) and Pop (75).

If you are unable to view any of the latter two programmes mentioned?, then go into the tuning menu of whatever you are using and select "manual tune" followed by entering Ch51 into the box then waiting to see if any signal strength / quality levels are indicated before pressing search or scan, because if they aren't then nothing will be achieved by pressing same.

That said is based on you receiving Freeview from Blackhill?, and which is the only station presently transmitting the new L- GLW Mux.

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Keith Peach: Yes! and you can easily find out what you will, and will not, be able to watch by removing your viewing card then running through the programmes that you normally view, as a "please insert viewing card" message will appear on any that requires the card.

By the way, please ignore Sony 157, as although its a free channel its encrypted for legal reasons and such requires a "free to view" card which your present card will change into on cancelling your subscription.

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Ali: Cancelling your subscription will in effect render your Sky+HD into being a standard non-recording box, as Sky will disable access to the recording "and" playback side of the box at around the same time as your ability to view subscription channels, therefore if you wish to record programmes you will have to purchase a Freesat PVR (recorder) as your dish is 100% compatible with all Freesat devices.

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kira: On having carefully read over everything said, the main point that stands out above everything else is the fact of you having reported that everyone else's TV's in the shared apartment block are fine except the one next door to your flat, this automatically indicating that your entire problem is down to the signal level being fed into the flats in question being low to the extent that the TV's in question are liable to be running at a level that's not much above the threshold minimum necessary to resolve a picture, hence why any slight dip in same, such as caused by passing traffic, causes problems.

Aerials in your area are seen to be pointing towards the Crystal Palace transmitter, and even if 4G was operating in your area it would be unlikely to have any effect on reception from that station by it using channels in the C22 - C29 range, whereas its channels from C60 downwards that are susceptible to being affected by 4G signals.

I feel that the only way you are going to resolve the problem is by contacting a "proper" aerial installer and who will have the equipment necessary for making an accurate assessment of the signal level (and quality of) being fed into your flat, and not anyone connected with the building maintenance team, that is "if" this is who you were referring to?

A factor that could be responsible for the problem having only recently started could be down to an increased level in tree foliage, as trees are not exactly in short supply in your area and tree foliage can causing blocking of DTT signals.

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Sian : Knowledge of the model number involved would have been of assistance, however I would advise you "not" to delete anything concerned with the data in reserved section of the HDD as this could render the device to the proverbial scrap heap.

If you haven't already done so, you should place the device into standby for about 15 seconds or so before disconnecting it from the mains, this then followed by reconnecting it again after about 30 seconds and waiting until the HDD had completed the process of initialising, checking the result of this action after it does.

If the situation is found not to have been resolved then about the only thing left to try is reformatting the HDD, the downside to this being that it will delete the programmes previously stored in it.

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kira: In addition to that already said, could you please clarify with regards to the shared attic indoor aerial referred to, insomuch is this used purely by your neighbour and you? "or", which would be most unusual if it was!, used by the other residents in the block?

Another point being, do you reside on the top floor of the apartment block whereby the aerial referred to is located immediately above the ceiling of the flats? the point there being that if any device capable of causing interference (albeit of an intermittent nature) was being used in the flats then the impact of would be much greater by the fact of an aerial being located relatively close to it.

This of course, only being applicable if the aerial is used purely by your neighbour and you, as you have already mentioned that no one other than the two flats are affected by the problem.

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russ: If you have verified that the channels have indeed been stored in the TV whilst it was still connected into the main aerial and yet you are unable to view anything via the indoor aerial, then its extremely unlikely that any form of booster (no matter how powerful) would help the situation, as a booster would only have helped if you had managed to obtain a picture of sorts.

If at all possible, you would be better purchasing a two way powered splitter
and running a coax from its No2 outlet into the bedroom, its No1outlet used to feed
the main TV.

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colin1951uk: In addition to jamie's reply, in areas where DTT reception is liable to be affected by 4G transmissions the reason for is simply down to the powerful (usually) RF signal transmitted by the latter swamping the TV's (or boxes) tuners input circuitry thereby desensitising it to the reception of DTT signals.

As 4G transmissions take place above C60 then the tuner swamping effect of diminishes in a downwards pattern from that channel, and as Rowridges channel span ranges from C21 - C31 then its highly unlikely to be affected "unless" the 4G transmitter is located within say 750ft or so of the receiving aerial, or at a slightly greater distance if its located directly in line with the signal path from the Rowridge transmitter.

Of course the other factor which does play a role in whether or not reception is affected by 4G is the strength of the signal being received from the Rowridge transmitters, because if the signal is inclined to be a little on the low side then the effect of 4G will be much greater, likewise less on strong signals.

I would advise you to leave things as they are for the time being as the 4G issue is somewhat over hyped, likewise you may find that your reception has not really changed after the 4G transmitter comes into service, however it would be prudent to try and find out where the 4G transmitter is located relative to that of your location.

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Wednesday 11 June 2014 8:46PM

Nick Taylor: Thanks for the update! pleased to see that you have succeeded in rectifying the problem, as on browsing through a few of the more recent replies made I was rather curious as to the outcome of the advice given.

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Wednesday 11 June 2014 9:03PM

VIVEK SARAWGI: Have you as yet checked with anyone else in your locality to find out if they are also suffering from the same problem as yourself? as its highly unlikely that O2 is connected in any way with your problem.

That said, further advice can only be given dependant on information as to your whereabouts, (post code) as well as whether or not you are connected into a communal aerial system in such as an apartment block?

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