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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Freeview channel changes
Friday 23 September 2011 8:39PM

KMJ,Derby: Dual reply not intentional KMJ, as I dont reply via typing into this box but paste it from elsewhere, and sometimes dont notice a reply has already been given as its hidden in the masking.

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Friday 23 September 2011 8:44PM

paul: Thanks for your update, and pleased to hear that the info has rectified your parents problem.

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keith: I would carry out a factory reset to see if that cures the problem, or take the aerial out an carry out a scan without it, this blanking out anything stored, then after re-connecting carry out a further scan to load the channels back in again.

Also if by any chance its a box you are using, then make sure that the scart connection at both ends is fully located.

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Saturday 24 September 2011 12:38PM

Carney: I suggest that you return the TV to its factory settings, this done by holding down the menu for about 10 seconds and a menu will appear on the screen. You then go through each of the five steps shown as though it was the first time you had turned the set on.

(This not exactly being an unknown problem with this model)

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sharon burrows: Press services, then on the selection menu press "0-0-1-select" in one operation, this best done whilst not looking at the screen. Then scroll down to RF outlets and you will see a selection to turn RF2 power on, storing once "ON" selected.

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Digital Region Overlap
Saturday 24 September 2011 1:15PM

Liz Falconer: You should carry out a signal check on Mux Ch21 (the HD channel) to check if the quality of the signal you are receiving is reasonably stable, or if its diving up or down, which up to a point could be outwith your control albeit you are only 13 miles away from the transmitter.

I realise you have already carried out an auto-tune, but its always best blanking anything stored in the memory out before auto-tuning, this done by carrying out the first scan without the aerial being connected, then after re-connecting scan as would normally be done.

Or of course just carry out a factory re-set!

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sharon burrows: If this posting is a continuation of your previous request for info regarding the magic eye made under another heading, then if you have switched the Sky boxes RF2 power on as per instructions given, then you simply carry out a scan on the TV in the other room until you see the same as is on your Sky box, making sure that before scanning that the TV is set on "analogue" and not digital or it wont pick the Sky box up.

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P Cairns: Just out of curiosity, when you say that you lost ESPN etc due to the Bromsgrove transmitter, where were you receiving your signal from before? as I cant quite see the connection between Bromsgrove and and you losing these programmes, unless that is you have carried out a re-scan and its Bromsgrove you have picked up.

If this is whats happened, then all you would require to do is to manually tune in the station you previously used, more than one indicating as being possible, so maybe you could mention the station previously used.

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Robert Kleijn: With Freeview "Light" stations there generally isnt any plans to extend them, as the reason they have that status in the first place is because the commercial interests are not willing to pay for the running costs of another multiplex.

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P Costello: Your box has most likely picked up and stored Belmont which uses lower channel numbers, Winter Hill appearing to be the station covering your area.

Take the aerial out and carry out a scan without it, this to blank out the EPG memory, then BEFORE re-connecting the aerial carry out another auto-tune whilst at the same time observing the channels rising in the progress bar, then as soon as you see then getting to Ch52 plug the aerial back in again and that will allow Winter Hill to load.

Any problem with this method will require you to manually tune the channels in.

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