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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Richard: If your version of Sky box does not offer either a symbol rate setting of 23M/b or failing this an auto-select facility as applies in many Freesat TV's, then I am afraid that it doesn't look very promising as far as it being suitable for purposes other than SD use.

However, although as previously mentioned I do not have one of these boxes around at present for purposes of testing, I have however gleaned some information from elsewhere on a box with the operating system software being: 1.32B12 / EPG software 8.3.2, info as below.

Should any added channels be stored then they must be deleted and carry out a "new install" with the card inserted.

Press Services - 4, then " 0 - 1 - Select" which takes you into the installer menu, once in press "new installation"

By the way, dependant of the menu version you have rather than "services - 4 - 0 - 1 - select" it might be "services - 0 - 0 - 1- select, the main point being that you want to access "new installation".

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Roidy: To be quite honest about it very few places actually replace components in these boxes but simply replace the complete power unit, and the cost of working out to be not be that terribly far off the price of picking up a good second hand one, and so you have to take this into consideration.

Should you take it into a service depot, mention that you have been advised about a possible power unit defect and ask for a repair quote.

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john: As you are indicated as having only made one posting (todays!) then no-one can possibly (and if possible!) supply an answer to whatever you wanted to know unless "you" indicate the heading under which you had asked the question, as it doesn't appear to have been under this one unless you have used different log in details.

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anita: Press "services" then 4 - 6 and check that the signal indications are both equivalent to about 55% or so minimum, as if under then your dish requires slight realignment, if though the levels are fluctuating to a considerable extent then this could indicate water having crept into the "F" connector on the dishes LNB, this requiring it to be unscrewed and checked out.

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Richard: Yes! because if you were using a Sky+ HD box it will have two inputs from the dish and with this meaning that you must have a quad LNB fitted for multiroom purposes, and so the multiroom feed plus the spare port (if only one multiroom facility was used) will be required for your intended purchase which requires two inputs.

By the way all ports on an LNB are independent of each other and so can be swapped about for test purposes should this be required at any time.

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john: When you say that an indoor aerial picks up the missing programmes but loses BBC, are you meaning if you carry out a rescan when the indoor aerial is being used?

As you haven't provided your exact location I have used a test code of 6EW, and on this it appears that this location is capable of picking up Ch54 from Waltham (@ 23 mls), Sutton Coldfield (@ 40mls), Belmont ( @ 48 mls) but with your local Nottingham transmitter being located at only 4 miles away, this creating the situation whereby your TV's tuner could be picking up muxes from different stations and at various signal levels, this possibly being responsible for the somewhat odd problem you are experiencing.

As far as your normal aerial is concerned, do you know where your aerial is facing? and if you can actually see it, is mounted horizontally or vertically? (elements top to bottom)

The other point is, does your TV (model number of unknown) have a manual tuning facility? as the only way around your problem might be to manually tune in the six muxes one at a time.

Finally, is the normal main aerial yours or a communal one?

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anita: That level is really much too low for satisfactory reception and is almost guaranteed to be the reason for your problem.

Regarding the dish, when I had mentioned that the dish might require "slight" realignment this is because that its most likely been moved a fraction to either the left or right of its correct position by high winds, and so if the box is left on its signal check screen and the dish is located in a position where the TV can be seen from it, if someone presses the dish on either its left or right hand side the signal level / quality will usually be seen to correct itself "whilst being pressed".

Needless to say, the horizontal plane clamp bolt would require to be slacked slightly and the dish nudged in the direction where the signal indicated the best, then the clamp bolt re-tightened.

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Ros Coulborn: Two points about this being (1) as your location is not known then a post code or at least one from nearby will be required, as only then can details of the transmitter covering your location be checked on.

(2) Does your aerial system have any elements of communal attached to it? or is it yours? the reason for asking this being that your type of problem could suggest that your aerial feed is via some form of amplification or distribution system and which is being unpowered at the times mentioned.

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Saturday 13 October 2012 11:33PM

Malbro: Although you have tried re-scanning with the aerial being disconnected and which in most cases is suffice to get over various difficulties, but for problems such as yours the only way is to completely start afresh by carrying out a "factory reset", this also known as "default setting" or "first time installation", although the latter is not quite so effective as the two former procedures mentioned.

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Gail: If you are sure that you saved the chanels picked up during a Freeview auto-tune as not all TV's / boxes will automatically save them, then you should completely reset your TV by carrying out a "factory reset", sometimes known as "default setting" then follow this with a normal auto-tune.

If this does not cure the problem then please indicate the model of TV or box in question, although I would wait until after October 24th when switchover is complete before making any alterations, as you would have to carry out a rescan then anyway.

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