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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday 23 October 2012 11:41PM

Terry Wright: The first question would be whether or not you have ever received them? and if not what model number of TV (or box) you are using?

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Tuesday 23 October 2012 11:47PM

Alan Maybury: By changing the dishes LNB to an octo type and running a pair of coax cables (shotgun types neater) from the LNB ports to each of the Sky+ boxes, this leaving two ports spare which is handy for testing should one of the eight ports fail at any time.

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Tuesday 23 October 2012 11:58PM

Terry brady: When you say that you checked the RF2 outlet, are you meaning to make sure that the RF2's power was activated?

If a Sky+HD box press "services" then type in "0 - 0 - 1 - select" and scroll right to select and press on: RF outlets.

Should it already be activated, then for a test try the magic eye connected directly into the boxes RF2 socket and cover the front of the Sky box with a towel so that the box isn't directly picking up the remotes IR signal.

By the way, no need to connect the eyes output to anything.

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Wednesday 24 October 2012 12:20AM

Gordon: Although a person actually on site always has a visual advantage, but I have doubts about the statement that's been made to you, as yes! water can get into a coax cable if the coax to aerial connection has been left exposed to the elements for an extended period of time, although if water had reached the aerial input connection on the box then close inspection of the socket would reveal white corrosion, but I personally have never experienced a waterlogged tuner and I repair all sorts of RF devices including marine use equipment.

I believe that your signal is received from Blackhill? but an idea of your location would have been of assistance (post code or one from nearby, e.g: a shop) as that would have enabled the reception predictor to be accessed, as you "might" be in a location where a test could be carried out using a set top aerial.

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Joe Condron: Have you ensured that the remotely positioned TV is set to "analogue" and "not" DVB before scanning to pick up the Sky boxes signal? also if you are using a magic eye then for test purposes temporarily connect the feed from the Sky box directly into the TV being used for the Sky link and use the Sky boxes RF1 output which isn't powered.

If that works OK then reconnect the eye and revert to using the Sky boxes RF2 put.

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Diagnostics - old version
Wednesday 24 October 2012 5:10PM

ALAN ROBERTS: Any query involving a reception issue must be accompanied by a location, this in the form of a post code or one from somewhere nearby e.g: a shop, as its impossible for anyone to advise on a possible reason / cure for the problem without having access to the reception predictor, and something which can only be done armed with this info.

That said though, judging by what you have said atmospherics could well be the cause of your problem dependant on the level your signal strength / quality normally runs at.

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Digital switch-over problems | Switchovers
Wednesday 24 October 2012 5:47PM

robin stewart: Have you tried completely resetting the TV back to its factory default setting? on Toshiba's this might be called "first time installation".

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John: Rumster @ 10 miles / 26 degrees is, as you have mentioned indicated (in theory) as providing excellent reception at your location, and although I have my doubts as to whether or not you will receive them the two alternatives to Rumster are Rosemarkie @ 45 miles / 210 degrees and Knockmore @ 48 miles / 165 degrees, the reception predictions for Rosemarkie being "good" on the PSB channels but "variable" on the commercials, Knockmore being the reverse whereby "variable" on the PSB channels but "good" on the commercials.

I do appreciate the point you are making regarding foreign channels at times being better that locals, but that can happen with certain types of atmospheric conditions whereby a signal can be bounced back down to earth again at a considerable distance away from the transmitter, although because atmospheric reasons are involved the signal cannot be relied upon for any length of time, because as soon as these conditions inevitably start to change the signal can vanish just as quick as it was received.

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Friday 26 October 2012 11:57PM

ceebee: Most Humax's whether Freesat or Freeview use similar menu systems and with one common facility being that you can choose to have either an auto-timed start / end whereby the programme providers control these start / stop times, or alternatively the user can preset + or - five minutes start / delay to the published times.

This of course should not really be necessary as its usually only when recording some of the less mainstream channels or +1's of some others that the problem arises, but to select the aforementioned start / end time settings press: Menu - and five stacked icons will appear on the left hand side of the screen, the top being "settings" and with a choice list being shown on the right hand side, scroll down to and click on "recording" and you will see a few options being listed including start / end times, and on scrolling to and clicking on "start time" the default setting of "Auto" displayed, click on this and a choice of early start times from 1 to 5 minutes will be displayed, select and click on what's required then scroll down one position to "end time" and use the same procedure as before but this time for "end delay".

By the way the procedure for delaying "end time" is exactly the same, but remember that using manual settings permanently eliminates programme control codes from having any effect, and if a programme is either cancelled or runs seriously late the recorder will not attempt to correct this because you will have disabled the link, and these settings will remain what you set them at until altered at any time.

On the subject of the EPG, this is what's shown when you press the "list" button, and with your reference to the yellow button, this when pressed whilst viewing the "guide" shows the preset list for programmes to be recorded.

The remote control in question for most of these models being a Humax RM-F01 type control.

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Connecting it all up | Installing
Saturday 27 October 2012 12:09AM

Derek: What Briantist has said "is" the standard way of doing things, and when you said that it doesn't work then in what way? is it that even although you have put the Sky box in standby the DVD is still not coming through the TV? or are you meaning that Sky cannot be viewed at all when connected as advised as the DVD is locking out Sky? and which with "some" DVD devices can happen even when the item in question is in standby.

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