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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 7 April 2012 3:39PM

Barbara Graff: What model of Sony TV are you referring to, and what do you mean by "guide for recording" recording on what?

As your query involves reception then this requires knowledge of your location, preferably in the form of a post code or at least one from a premises nearby, as this will then enable the signal level expected at the location to be assessed.

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maggie reavill: Just purely as an example, the item seen on the link is an excellent "easy to use" hard drive based device, generally referred to as a PVR (personal video recorder) and to be quite honest about it are much easier to operate than the average VCR as recording times are never required to be entered, as you just look at the the list of programmes in the guide and click on the one you wish to record, it immediately being underlined in red and that's that, no need to do anything else except possibly to select a few more programmes for recording.

Just in case the link doesn't work its Argos item No 532/2628

Buy Hitachi Digital TV Recorder - 320GB at - Your Online Shop for Digital TV recorders.

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 7 April 2012 5:06PM

Paul Jones: Just a little point I am not sure about, when you say that the aerial goes through a splitter and is fed into two separate rooms then how does the TV in the second room view Sky via the boxes RF output? or does the aerial come straight into the room that the Sky box is located in and the splitter is used near to the Sky box?

If this latter situation applies then the aerial should go straight into the splitter and with its No1 output looping through the DVD recorder then into the main TV, this enabling the Freeview signal to reach both.

The splitters No2 output looping through the Sky box then to the TV in the other room, as that will allow it to be able to view Sky if set to analogue or Freeview if on DVB.

The Sky box of course will be coupled into your main TV via a scart lead as will the DVD recorder, your TV's input select button on the remote being used as necessary to select which is required.

The Sky box RF channels were selected as although Kilvey Hill (your main station?) spans channels 23-29 I notice that Burry Point is only about a mile from you and uses 54-61, and although its indicated as "poor" for reception at you location but just by any chance if you were using it, then with Sky being kept above Ch62 it wont affect it.

This was said assuming that your TV has two scart sockets, but if not then the DVD recorders scart socket should be connected into the Sky boxes AV2 (maybe marked video) rather than the TV.

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 7 April 2012 5:10PM

Paul Jones: another point, if you do not use a magic eye in the other room to control the Sky box then make sure you use the Sky boxes RF1 output and not RF2, this just in case its magic eye power is turned on.

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Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Saturday 7 April 2012 6:01PM

trevor: You are predicted as being able to have far in away better reception from Crystal Palace (especially from the 18th) over that of Hannington, as Hannington's main PSB transmitters although indicating good leave a little to be desired, and with the commercial muxes not indicated at as being able to provide signals above the status of poor at any time, this right into the future.

Adrian on the other hand and who has just replied to you, IS indicated as being in a position where Hannington is the best, and with Crystal Palace taking second place.

Obviously local conditions (obstructions etc) might well be applying in these areas and predictors don't necessarily take this type of situation into account, but that's the predictions seen for the code provided.

Just purely for a test, although Crystal Palace is about 40 degrees out from the rear of your aerial you should give CP's high powered (200kw) BBC1 a manual tune test to see the level indicated, it being on Ch23.

By the way on most equipment, if you go into the manual tuning screen as soon as you enter the channel number you intend to scan its level will immediately be indicated, this without actually having to scan it.

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 7 April 2012 6:46PM

Paul Jones: Just a couple of little points needs clarified, when you say both TV's are linked to the Sky box using a splitter and HDMI cables, are you meaning an HDMI splitter so that you can have maximum quality on both TV's?

And the second being, is you aerial splitter a two way type?

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 7 April 2012 7:25PM

Paul Jones: I have made a drawing based on your info, and on studying same another point I wondered about is that when you lose signals (Freeview?) on you second TV when Sky is taken out of standby, does it not do this if the TV's HDMI connection not plugged into it? as if not then the HDMI lead is obviously switching the TV off its DVB tuner, so if the TV has more than one HDMI socket use the second one as HDMI switching is usually on No1 input, or you might even be able to de-activate the auto switch in the TV's external connections menu if your TV allows this facility, they are all different!

If you cannot, then you have no real option on the second TV but to override the HDMI input being auto-switch activated by just selecting DVB on the TV's remote button, as that will take it off its HDMI input.

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 7 April 2012 9:14PM

Paul Jones: If you have a second HDMI input then it wont be auto-enabled as its usually just HDMI(1) that has this facility on most TV's, but if you go into the TV set up menu / connections you will see the various inputs listed, and next to the HDMI(1) input you might see the auto enable on/off option being offered.

If you let me have the model number of the TV I can check the manual.

Regarding the TV's remote remote, on Toshiba's its the remote control button usually situated under No9 and has a circle with an arrow head arrow pointing to the right in the middle of it, this button giving the choice of external sources as well as analogue or digital TV, in other words its internal tuner.

Likewise if viewing Freeview and you wish to view Sky again then you use the same button and select HDMI(1)

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Saturday 7 April 2012 11:45PM

Idris: If you are referring to reception from Rowridge then its with an extreme bit of luck, as you are predicted as at no time being able to receive any commercial muxes from this station, even after switchover, but however the best reception on the PSB muxes is indicated as being by far the best from the vertically polarised transmissions from Rowridge, so if the aerial is not presently on that polarity maybe you could turn it around 90 degrees to the vertical position.

By the way the channels after switchover are 24 - 27 - 21 - 25 - 22 - 28, the latter three presently being on 30 - 37 - 33 until the 18th.

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Saturday 7 April 2012 11:47PM

Idris: Forgot to qualify this by saying that the predictions seen are from a test code being used of DT4 8HA, Weymouth post office.

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