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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Lisa: Just a little extra point concerning your new YouView box, "if" by any chance its a Huawei brand (please ignore this request if it isn't) then once you have completed the set up procedure and tuned in the Freeview channels I would be interested to know if you can view Drama on guide number 20.

My reason for asking being, that quite a number of viewers have complained that they cannot receive Drama on the Huawei box, something that's been known about by the suppliers of this device since July 8th but have not as yet (as far as I know anyway!) came up with a solution, and so just for the record I would appreciate if you could try this and give an update on the result.

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Thursday 1 August 2013 8:08PM

Emma: On visual checking the last mile or so of the signal path from Sutton Coldfield to your particular location I noticed one of the main causes of the type of problem you are complaining of, that being numerous trees doted at various places all along the entire signal path, trees being responsible for fluctuating quality being seen if a signal check is carried out. As this is something that is basically outwith a viewers control, to prove or otherwise if this is the cause of your problem then go into your TV's set up menu / manual tune and enter the following channels one at a time but do NOT press search, because as soon as you enter the number the strength / quality should be indicated, make a note of each indication before changing the channel number and so on until all have been completed. By the way, take time to observe the indications and especially if the quality is observed to dive downwards now and again. Channel to use being / C43 (BBC) / C46 (ITV1) / C40 (HD) / C42 (ITV3) / C45 (Pick TV) / C39 (Film 4) Of course you could bypass this procedure by simply making a local enquiry with a neighbour or whoever to find out if others are also experiencing problems.

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Briantist / Dave Lindsay: Just to confirm that Film 4 (LCN15) now corresponds to Walthams PSB2 as well as still being broadcast on COM6, LCN791 in my particular set up.

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Thursday 1 August 2013 9:37PM

Emma: Alteration, please note that Film 4 (LCN15) no longer applies to C39 as its now broadcast on the ITV1 PSB2 mux on C46, LCN18 (4 Music) now being the first programme on C39.

This is neither here nor there as far as the test is concerned, and only mentioned because Film 4 has been associated with COM6 (C39) for some time now.

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Norman: Try removing your card followed by disconnecting the box from the mains for about 30 seconds or so before reconnecting it again and letting it go though the usual searching for listings procedure without the card being installed, although in theory whether or not the card is installed should not make any difference.

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Full technical details of Freeview
Friday 2 August 2013 8:05AM

Ken: Problems of this nature are frequently found to be experienced in an area rather than just one household, and so much as many loathe having to do this (and with good reason in some instances!) but you really have to determine if others are also experiencing the problem, because if they are then this saves you needlessly checking your installation.

A terrain check between Winter Hill and your location does not reveal any "ground" obstructions, this meaning with the exclusion of anything that might be on it such as trees or man made objects, and so nothing immediately stands out as being a contributory factor to your problem other than possibly some form of interference, although an iffy connection in an aerials termination box can sometimes result in a frequency specific problem.

However, as aforementioned you really have to determine if others are also experiencing problems before taking any type of action, but though in the meantime there is one simple test that you could try that is to carry out a signal strength / quality test on your BBC channel (mux C50) and make a note of the indications seen, then move to the ITV1 channel (mux C59) and as before note the levels being indicated, paying particular attention if the quality is seen to intermittently dive downwards, finally try the test again on ITV3 (mux C58).

Further advice dependant on results.

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Tina: You arent by any chance using a Huawei brand YouView box? because if you are then these boxes cannot receive this channel due to a defect within the box.

However, if the above mentioned does not apply then you should carry out a "factory reset" on the TV or box prior to an auto-tune, factory reset also being called "default setting" or "first time installation".

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Film 4
Friday 2 August 2013 5:09PM

Paul: Film4 is still on programme guide 15 but its being broadcast on the PSB2 (ITV1) transmitter, carry out a factory reset - default setting - or first time installation on your TV or box prior to carrying out another auto-tune and this should correct the problem.

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Tina: Can you receive ITV1 OK? because the drama channel is broadcast on the same transmitter.

What brand of TV or box are you using? plus it would also be of assistance if you could indicate your location, i.e: a post code or one from nearby such as a shop / Post office.

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Tina: Correction! I should have said ITV3 and NOT ITV1

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