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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Tom Cromack: When that sort of thing happens its usually because duplicate channels have been received, the question being are there anything stored in the EPG 100 ranges? if not, then you should carry out a "manual" scan on Darvels HD Mux C28 / 530.0Mhz and see if this populates the EPG100 range.

Should it not do, then your best policy would be to reset the TV by using "first time installation" or some similar sounding term, as that will wipe everything stored in the tuner including any possible glitches that may have occurred during your initial set up procedure.

As a matter of interest, were you able to receive HD channels on your old TV? the reason for mentioning this being that a rather large line of sight blockage exists between Darvel and your location, (as seen on the undermentioned link) and HD reception is more critical over that of SD as far as the quality of the signal being affected is concerned, something which could be a factor in HD reception problems.

You should also try a signal test on Mux C28, the procedure being to pause after entering C28 into the manual tune box, as on most sets if anything is being received the strength / quality of will be indicated on the signal bars.

By the way, the other COM7 HD transmissions are on Mux C31 / 554.0Mhz

Unfortunately I cannot be more precise as I do not as yet have the manual for your particular model, and LG does not appear to have added it to their download site.

Terrain between ( m a.g.l.) and (antenna m a.g.l.) - Optimising UK DTT Freeview and Radio aerial location

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Freeview reception has changed?
Wednesday 14 January 2015 4:59PM

Eric Brett: According to the spec sheet, the August DVB400 doesn't really amplify anything, but though it does have the ability to supply 5 volts via the aerial input socket to power an aerial amplifier, if your in line boosters are self powered? then make sure that the 5 volts supply on the DVB400 is turned off.

The other thing to check is that the RF loop through on standby is set to "on", instructions for both the aforementioned on page 12 of your manual.

It would also be of assistance if your location was known, post code or one from nearby, e.g: shop / post office, as this would enable access to info on the transmitter that covers your area.

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Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Wednesday 14 January 2015 5:34PM

archie: Hannington is listed on the engineering page as being subject to intermittent service interruptions.

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Alex Wilde: As you are using a Humax 9300 then the best policy to to carry out an auto tune but exit it before it picks up any channels, as that action will wipe everything stored in the tuner.

The next stage is to carry out a manual tune on Oxfords SD channels as listed below, remembering to press "save" after scanning each Mux, the station being @ 18 miles /174 degrees.

BBC/ C53 - ITV / C60 - SDN / C50 - ArqA/ C59 - ArqB C55

However, the reception predictor does indicate that Sutton Coldfield (46 miles / 326 degrees) can provide a better signal, this stations SD channels being as follows.

BBC / C43 - ITV/C46 - SDN/C42 - ArqA / C45 - ArqB/C39

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Tom Cromack: Thanks for the update, albeit that what you have reported is certainly a bit strange, although it all depends on exactly what's meant by switching off, because if this involved completely switching the TV off, i.e: "not" in standby, then this is the procedure commonly used in most digital equipment to rectify some problem that has occurred in the system, e.g: like rebooting a PC, but though, if you only meant leaving the set in standby then the reason for the situation having apparently rectified itself really is puzzling.

Of course the main thing is that your HD channels are now located in the correct order, and that's all that really matters.

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Mark: The most likely reason for this is that the socket(s) you are using is fitted with either an internal isolating capacitor or some form of filter, and leads or sockets used for connections to / from a Sky dish have to be of a "direct" connection type without passing through anything, the reason being that a Sky box sends voltages as well as tones to the LNB for band as well as polarity switching purposes, these control signals being blocked by anything in line.

All satellite systems are the same in this respect, whereas Freeview systems are not.

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CBS Action
Thursday 15 January 2015 5:33PM

D.J.Clarke: There isn't anything special about EPG 70 over any of the other channels, CBS action being transmitted on COM6 as is 4Music (18) / Yesterday (19) or ITV4 (24), when you lose CBS action can you still view any of those other programmes mentioned? if you cannot then your reception of the COM6 transmitter is dropping out, although unable to advise on this without knowledge of your location, this in the form of a post code or one from nearby (e.g: a shop / post office)

If though you can still view the programmes mentioned but "not" CBS action, then carry out a "manufacturers reset" on your TV, this also known as "default setting" or "first time installation" followed by a normal auto-tune and see if this rectifies the problem.

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Bri M: If both your main TV and also the one used in the bedroom give intermittent reception when connected "directly" (not through splitter box) into your properties main TV outlet point, then this indicates that either the coax connected into the "rear" of the socket is defective, or that the line from said socket that runs to the distribution amplifier is defective, as this is outwith your control you should contact the properties maintenance department.

If though you get perfect reception when both sets are coupled directly into the main outlet point, then this indicates that either your splitter box is faulty, or its the jumper leads used to connect same.

That said is on the assumption that you have not tried retuning your TV's, which of course you should not have done.

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UK Free TV 2014 annual Christmas Quiz
Friday 16 January 2015 6:26PM

geoffrey o'neill: Up to date information on whether you will or not can be found out by opening the undermentioned link and contacting AT800's general enquiries section.

Contact us | Advice or general enquiries | at800

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Lynne Knight: If you are also feeding Freeview into the conservatory via the Sky boxes aerial input socket, then try removing the Freeview aerial connection and see if this clears the problem, if it does then you will have to change the RF channel being used by the Sky boxes RF modulator.

Changing the RF output channel on a Sky+HD box.

(1) : Press "Services" then press > once to "Settings" and press on.

"Picture" should now be highlighted but do NOT press on it.

(2) : Press: "0 - 0 - 1 - Select" and the "Set up" tab should now be

(3) : Press the right hand > button 3 times to scroll along the list to "RF
out" and where the current setting will be seen and where you can change it
by punching in the new number.

Dont forget to press the "green" button to save any changes made before
exiting the menu system.

Should the aforementioned not be applicable, then try removing the magic eye from the circuit, if makes no difference then try the conservatory TV connected directly into the Sky boxes RF1 (not 2) output, if the signal is OK then the lead running into the conservatory has to be defective.

Further advice dependant on feedback.

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