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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

gail: You are indicated as only being able to receive signals from Sandy(Anglia) and there is no reason for not receiving ITV1 (Mux Ch24) unless that is something has possibly happened to your aerial, that said though, difficulty could well be experienced on some of the other lower powered channels.

To give an idea of your signal strength carry out a signal check whilst on BBC1 (Mux Ch27) this facility accessed from the tuning menu.

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2 million Freesat customers
Saturday 17 September 2011 11:51AM

linda macdiarmid: Purely referring to the problem mentioned, its almost certain that the dish has moved a fraction hence the reason for no signal. If it was easily accessible you could try giving it the smallest nudge to the left or right, or more accurately obviously back "into" the direction the wind was sweeping across it.

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Ian Grice: Well I have to say that I really do feel that you must reside in a "chosen spot" for reception from Waltham, as being a long standing engineer (not necessarily aerial) I know that even a trade predictor can have elements of inaccuracy built into its forecasts, as its impossible for any predictor to cater properly for localised conditions, with DUK's usually always giving an element of a "rose tinted glasses" type of prediction, something I usually allow for, but using the post code provided it shows Waltham - Lark Stoke - The Wrekin as being totally out of the question for any form of reliable reception at any time, and this across the whole range of the multiplexes, this being why I doubted if it was Waltham being received.

Just out of interest, can you receive Mux Ch29 from Waltham? as that causes difficulty to many including myself, and will do until October 12th.

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Prog: A test post code (Wigston PO) indicates you as being able to receive Waltham as well as Sutton Coldfield, so first of all carry out a scan without the aerial being connected for purposes of blanking out the memory, then after re-connecting carry out a "manual" tune on either Mux Ch54 (ITV1 etc)if receiving from Waltham, or alternatively if receiving from Sutton Mux Ch44 (ITV1 etc)

If this works store whats received (if not automatically done) then use the "add channels" facility to load the remainder in.

By the way, if you are receiving from Sutton then this will all change next week on the 21st, when stage 2 of switchover takes place.

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Phil: WR5 indicates that you can be receiving from a few stations, this making it impossible to advise as reception possibilities cannot be carried out with any element of accuracy, as only a full post code can enable this to be done.

Digital does not automatically mean improved reception, this due to its "digital cliff" cut off effect whereby if the signal drops under a certain level it disappears, or if its continually hovering just above this level the picture can suffer from frequent spells of breaking up etc.

Digital scores over analogue because the picture quality remains constant over a wide range of reception strengths, unlike analogue where speckles start to develop as the signal gets weaker, albeit though that it doesn't cut off, this being its plus point!

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Switchover starts in the Oxford area
Saturday 17 September 2011 6:38PM

JB: indications are that you should only be able to receive a signal from either Oxford or Charlbury, however if its Charlbury then you aren't forecast as being able to receive ITV1 / Ch5 etc (even although you say you are) but you should be able to receive BBC1 / 2 on Mux Ch44.

If however its Oxford you are receiving from, then BBC1 / 2 is on Mux Ch53, but like Charlbury you are not forecast as being able to receive ITV1 / Ch5 etc until the 28th, although the fact that you are presently doing indicates that you are in a reception area where local conditions play a big part in what's actually received.

Have a look at your aerial mounting, if the elements are horizontal then it should be Oxford, whereas if they are vertical (up and down) then that's Charlbury.

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James; For a test try scanning without the aerial installed, this to blank out anything that may be stored up in the 800 ranges, then re-connect the aerial and "manually" tune Mux Ch53 (BBC1 Oxford), storing anything received if this not done automatically, then enter Mux Ch68 (ITV1 Oxford) and do the same again.

Preferably try this on the TV, this just to exclude any possibility of a fault on the box, as these are notoriously unreliable.

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James: I also meant to add, that come the 28th switchover stage 2 is taking place and so changes should then be noticed in reception.

Needless to say with a complete factory re-set scan being necessary.

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John: Are you referring to analogue from Oxford? as if you are all analogue channels will be getting switched off on the 28th of this month.

The only reason I ask is because of you distinguishing between BBC1 and BBC2, as on digital they are on the same multiplex and as as such have to be the same strength, whereas on analogue they are on separate transmitters.

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Ian Grice: Using the alternative post code given for your parents house a few miles away gives a different result altogether, as it does indicate them as being able to have good reception from both Waltham and Sutton Coldfield, that is with the exception of variable reception being indicated on ArqB Mux Ch57 from Waltham.

But as was previously mentioned, I feel that in your case you are just lucky enough to be in a favourable spot for reception from Waltham, (MuxCh29 confirming) although possibly on the verges of it not being if checks were carried out say a quarter of a mile away in another direction, as its not unusual in iffy reception areas for people even living in adjoining properties to have totally different signal strengths from each other.

Still, I did voice my reservations about the predictor, the only thing about it this time being, that in this case the rose tinted glasses effect that's usually in seen evidence, was changed to over darkened ones.

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