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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Sunday 4 August 2013 7:15PM

Dom: What type of device (TV or box) are you receiving Freesat on?

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Sunday 4 August 2013 9:15PM

Mary Ann: Well considering what you had originally mentioned about not being a techie and with this coupled to my views on Sony menu systems, then I think you have succeeded quite well, but though on the issue of that said about ITV3 and not being able to see it mentioned anywhere, does this mean that you are also not able to view (20) Drama / (28) E4 / or (30) 5*? which of course you should not to able to do as these are all on C25.

Can you also confirm (or otherwise) that when using the manual tuning procedure after you had punched in C25 but BEFORE pressing the OK button, that no signal strength whatsoever was being indicated?

If this is the case, then purely for the purpose of finding out if your TV is actually capable of operating in this way anyway (because it might not be!) carry out a quick test as though you were intending to manually tune C23 (BBC) and see if the signal strength is indicated this time after punching in C23, of course whether it does or not do NOT press the OK button but just back out of the tuning menu again and give a report on your findings.

To be quite honest about it, with problems of this nature a persons hands are up to a point tied by not having a second TV to use for signal checking as I suspect that the signal is there but not at a level your TV can decode, this being why I was pushing the manual tune signal check procedure as this system is totally independent of the levels required to resolve a picture by being more allied to a proper signal meter.

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Monday 5 August 2013 11:45PM

Mary Ann: Thanks for the latest update, the content of being very informative insomuch that the caption seen (35 new services etc) when you punched in mux C25 was an indication that your TV must be receiving mux channel C25 (SDN / COM4) otherwise the TV would not have been able to display that message, and of course the programmes you chose as an example i.e: 5*, 5USA, Channel 5+1, QVC and bid are all being broadcast on same mux channel as are the programmes you report as "not" being seen on the programme guide EPG list.

This now raising the question, "if" you can view any of the 35 programmes mentioned? such as from the example chosen by yourself, namely : (30) 5* / (31) 5USA / (44) Channel 5+1 / (16) QVC / (23) bid, and yet still NOT be able view (10) ITV3 / (20) Drama then there is only one thing left that you can try, this being to go into the "set up" menu and scroll down to the bottom of the list where "factory settings" should be indicated, as selecting this will take the TV back to "nearly" when first purchased, "nearly" because it wont wipe the tuner until you carry out a subsequent auto-tune from the initial set up screen, this in contrast to most other devices where a factory reset would have wiped the tuner.

Two points, the aforementioned was said on the assumption that on seeing the possibilities mentioned you did press the OK button? and also to save any possible confusion with regards to channel numbers that might be mentioned, I would like to emphasise that any time I refer to a "mux" channel its the multiplex transmitter channel number I am referring to (e.g: ITV1 "mux" C26) and not an electronic programme guide (EPG) channel number such as (10) ITV3.

By the way, signal checking on your Sony is achieved by selecting the programme you wish to check, this then followed by pressing "menu" / "digital set up" and scrolling down to "technical set up", this being where the signal strength will be indicated as well as the software version installed on the TV.

Another little point to note being, if on checking the programme guide list such as QVC / ITV3 / Drama etc are seen listed but selecting them results in a blank screen, then this suggests that the signal level received could benefit from a slight boost.

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Tuesday 6 August 2013 12:03AM

Maureen Delissen : Just noticed Mary Ann's kind words! but as far as your problem is concerned the best thing to do is remove the aerial connector from the rear of your TV and follow this by carrying out an auto-tune without it being connected, this for the purpose of deleting all channels stored in the tuner.

Once completed, reconnect the aerial and follow this by carrying out a second auto-tune when hopefully this will have corrected the problem, which by the way was caused by Film4 moving onto the ITV1 transmitter.

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Tuesday 6 August 2013 7:43PM

Mary Ann: Nothing worse can happen other than "possibly" having to make one or two minor changes to such as the picture aspect ratio etc, or that after having taken the time to complete the procedure the end result "might" not have improved the situation, that said, the procedure referred to "is" the ultimate test as far as starting afresh is concerned by the tuner having being wiped of everything previously stored including the possibility of corrupted data, this then followed by the tuners memory being repopulated again during the subsequent auto-tune.

As touched on in an earlier reply, the whole issue has been made more complicated by the fact of you having a Sony TV, as the menu systems used in these sets might seem to be OK when first setting them up, but certainly not when it comes to using them for carrying out signal tests etc in an attempt to determine the cause of a problem.

You could if you wish just use the shortened procedure as described in my reply to Maureen, that is remove the aerial connector then carry out an auto-tune, after having completed this procedure reconnect the aerial again and check the programme guide to make sure that no channels have been retained (which there should not be!) and if not you can then carry out a second auto-tune to repopulate the guide.

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Film 4
Tuesday 6 August 2013 8:00PM

andy: Without having knowledge of your location (post code or one from nearby e.g: a shop / Post Office) nor the model of TV involved, but try removing the aerial and carry out an auto-tune without it connected, this for the purpose of deleting the channels stored in the tuner, once completed reconnect the aerial then go into the programme guide to make sure that nothing has been retained, if not then carry out a second auto-tune to regain the channels.

By the way Film4 is now on the ITV1 mux, the problem being caused by your programme guide not having been updated.

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Film 4
Tuesday 6 August 2013 9:21PM

Watt Tyler: Although Film4 has moved from COM6 to the PSB2(ITV) multiplex in many areas its being broadcast from both multiplexes, although the warning message is only seen on the COM6 transmission for the obvious reason that its being discontinued.

Once you retune you will find that as well as being on EPG15 on PSB2 it will also be found up in the 700 range, this being its COM6 transmission.

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Film 4
Tuesday 6 August 2013 9:38PM

Alan: Although Film4 has moved to the PSB2 (ITV1) mux its programme guide number remains the same, but as far as your problem is concerned try carrying out an auto-tune with the aerial connector removed as this will blank out the channels already stored, once completed check that the programme guide is blank and that nothing has been retained (which it shouldnt!) then reconnect the aerial again and carry out a second auto-tune which should hopefully clear the problem.

By the way, you will likely still find Film4 up in the 700 ranges after having carried out the procedure, as on many transmitters its still being broadcast on COM6 even although its now on PSB2, although its COM6 transmissions will soon be discontinued.

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Film 4
Tuesday 6 August 2013 10:54PM

Anne sharp: Try removing your TV or boxes aerial connection followed by carrying out an auto-tune to blank out everything stored in your TV or boxes tuner, once completed reconnect the aerial and check that "no signal" is indicated if the programme guide is selected, if not (which is correct) then proceed to carry out a second auto-tune to load the programmes back into the tuner.

This said on the assumption that ITV1 is being received OK? as Film4 is on the same mux transmitter.

By the way even although Film4 was switched from COM6 to PSB2 it retained the same guide number of 15.

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Diagnostics - old version
Tuesday 6 August 2013 11:20PM

Jan Ziervogel: Losing 5 USA / 5* is a purely a consequence of retuning whilst receiving a variable level of signal, as although Film4 moved from the COM6 mux transmitter (ITV4 / Ideal World etc) to being broadcast on the PSB2 mux (ITV1 etc) whilst retaining its programme guide status of 15, the channels you have lost are not in any way connected with Film4 as these are on the same mux transmitter as ITV3.

Try carrying out another auto-tune and you might strike it lucky this time.

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