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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Peterc : Just out of curiosity, if you go into your TV's or boxes signal check menu whilst on BBC what do you see indicated as far as strength / quality is concerned? and if the quality is observed for a minute or so is it seen to suffer from rapid fluctuations? and if you have made this check whilst you were having problems then for comparison purposes repeat the test when you are not, giving an update on results.

Also can you receive ITV3 (10) - Pick TV (11) - or Yesterday (12) reasonably well? all three programmes mentioned being on three different mux transmitters and in the case of ITV3 with it being located on the very next mux channel to the BBC you specifically mention as having problems with, and so it wouldn't go amiss to carry out signal checks on these channels as well, as it gives an idea of whether your problem is one caused by the signal level received dropping too close to the cut off threshold, or that its due to interference from distant stations caused by the atmospheric conditions that might be prevailing at the time, the symptoms of this generally confined to affecting a particular channel rather than all of them.

The other point to remember being, that even although the aerial installer carried out an overall signal check that it only represents the findings at one point in time over a 24 hour period, and the result could well have been different if the same test had been carried out a few hours later, preferably towards evening.

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J.Haworth: Because 5* is purely a commercial programme that's transmitted by the SDN mux, this not being available from Over Norton as its purely a PSB relay known as a Freeview-Light station.

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Alan M: Its not so much local interference thats liable to be the cause of the problem, but more from some distant station that's being received purely through atmospheric conditions applying at the time, and it clashing with the BBCA mux.

Its unlikely that you can do much about this, but though when the reception is good carry out a signal strength / quality check and make a note of the results, then when the signal drops out carry out another test, as although the screen might be blank the signal will still be there but at a lower level, and if the lower level is "reasonably constant" then a variable gain booster could be the answer, as when the signal drops out you could lift the level back up again.

Argos item number: 534/4235 (SLX brand variable booster)

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David: I'm afraid you will need to clarify that statement, the clarification being to indicate what you are presently using that "might" need to be replaced.

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Alan M: Well in that case I regret to say that unfortunately nothing really can be done, as symptoms like that are usually always the result of interference from afar or alternatively signal path obstructions caused by trees, although if it only really affects one particular channel then its more inclined to indicate interference from afar.

I would though still be interested in the results of a double signal check of the type mentioned.

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barbara: If you use the RF modulator to couple the box to the TV because the TV doesnt have a scart socket then it must be working OK or you would not be able to see the menu, however if you just use a normal scart coupling then whether the modulators working or not is neither here nor there as it has no effect whatsoever on the signal through the scart lead.

As far as the signal indicators are concerned, the Sky box is just like a Freeview or Freesat box insomuch that the indication seen "has" to be above a certain level or the box will not "capture" the channels, and in the case of a Sky box the levels have to be around the 55% minimum mark (on average) or the channels cannot be stored, 75% or more being the ideal level.

Obviously the percentages mentioned being the equivalent in distance along the signal bar, as the box doesn't indicate in percentages.

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john marsh: What is the brand / model of the device you have purchased?

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Suzy: Yes, give it a try as you have nothing to lose provided that you do not damage the packaging and have kept your receipt safely away.

By the way, test it out by first of all selecting a channel on your TV and checking the results "before" connecting the aerial to the TV via the booster, then once connected via a jumper lead from the boosters output to your TV and the aerial straight into the booster, set the booster at just above zero indication making sure the reception was still as before, if not advance it until it is, then if the channel is suffering from intermittent freezing etc try "slowly" advancing the booster whilst observing the picture for any improvement.

I do have to say though that although these boosters can in many cases make a vast difference to reception its in situations where although the signal level received is maybe dropping off in the evenings resulting in pixelation etc, that although the signal might well be at a lower and critical level its "not" of an erratic nature as far as quality is concerned as virtually nothing can compensate for that, and of course trees are notorious for causing that type of problem.

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Tia: Nothing can affect satellite reception except very heavy rain, and if you are experiencing problems it can only be caused by either the dish being slightly out of alignment or the box itself being faulty.

On your remote control press "services" then "system set up" and scroll down to "signal test" and where you should see both the strength and quality and being indicated at the equivalent to roughly 60% minimum, if either is under then the dish is slightly out of alignment and most likely in the horizontal plane, a slight nudge to the left or right confirming this.

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